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Problems with asking people to help me in unlocking next episode in Candy Crush Soda Saga

Hercules Posts: 1 Newbie

Basically even when I press 'ask all friends' and I do, there's no answer and there's no way to verify if they see my request. I have waited for a long time and no one has helped so far.


  • Pete_Peppers
    Pete_Peppers Posts: 329 Level 2

    Hercules King has mentioned that it is a known issue and that they are working on it. In our Facebook group many players have had success by sending out requests one at a time instead of choosing to send to all. Also there seems to be a problem if the person you request sends you a life back at the same time. In cases where I have had players send me one request, and then I send that back and nothing else they have been able to collect the ticket. Hopefully there will be a fix from the developers soon.

  • Jimmy_White
    Jimmy_White Posts: 1 Newbie

    Because they want to make money. They have no commercial 'interest' in 'fixing' this. It's by design. To make you pay. How they get away with it is a joke. Capitalism at its worst. 

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