Level 335 is broken on the iPad

Level 1
I played level 335 over 200 times on my iPad, I am not exaggerating. Could never get more than 1 star. Watched youtube videos of others getting 3 stars so I knew it was possible. Frustrated beyond belief, I decided to try it on my android phone. I got 3 stars the very first time I played it on android!!!!
There is absolutely a prroblem with the iPad version at level 335 of Soda Crush. It is impossible to get more than 1 star. 200 times I played on iPad, never got more than 1 star, and I got 3 stars the very first time on android. Fix it!
I don't quite understand how this is an issue, haha. Correct me if I'm wrong but you passed the level on both devices? I'm happy if I get 1 star in most levels! Getting 3 stars takes a lot, but hey, you did it yeah.
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i almost always strive for 3 stars on every level. If it takes me 200 tries and i still can't get it, but then get 3 stars my very first attempt on a different device and operating system, something is wrong with that level on the device i was struggling with. Yes, i am anal retentive. Any level not completed with 3 stars is unsatisfactory for me.
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The levels can vary slightly from device to device. This is because they have to be designed differently for each platform. Glad you managed to achieve the 3 stars that you aim for though
It is worth noting that if you are really struggling on one device, to try another.