Lives don't stack up in Soda Crush
In Soda Crush when I first started playing, I requested lots of lives from friends and they used to stack up in lives on 3-5. So if I requested a lot of lives, they would stack down the list in about 4 stacks, each stack containing 3-5 lives. Now, no matter how many I request, I only get 1 stack if 4-5 and none more all NO MATTER how many times I've requested more lives. What is happening? Please fix!
Hey Eric, I'd recommend you to be careful when saving lives, as saved lives might be affected when updating your games in general. Also be aware that if you play connected to Facebook, you'll might want to double check your Facebook settings and allow your friends as Facebook has made some changes as from yesterday. Check for updates for your device, games and Facebook and adjust your Facebook settings for each one of your games.