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can you fix this please

Regina_Ricketts Posts: 1 Newbie

For the first time ever I purchased a card & used some of the money on it to purchase gold bars for this app. I then clicked on the striped sucker to see how much it would cost to purchase those (thinking I may use the other money I had left on my card) & it purchased 3 of those & took gold bars for it. Can you please take back the striped suckers & add back to my gold bars. I have since contacted google & was advised of how to change my settings so nothing is purchased without confirmation. Also do you reliaze that it costs more & more gold bars when you are adding moves? Why would it not be the same each time. This makes me not ever want to purchase something like this again & just continue to play for free. Seems a bit unfair in my opinion.Β 



  • Johnny_Ryall
    Johnny_Ryall Posts: 3,725 Level 5

    My name is Johnny, I am a moderator here on the King Care site. Due to a technical error this post did not appear on the site.

    I apologise for this, rest assured this is being looked at to ensure that it does not happen again.

    If you still have a query then feel free to use the site for help or post your question again so our community can assist you.

    Kind regards,


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