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bubblegum hill not fun anymore level 4 is just about unwinnable

James_Goods Posts: 27 Level 2

king only gives out 6 hammers to win plus very little coins few as one if you get unlucky if someone else wins 10 seconds after you. i passed level 4 once in 50 tries so far and failed level 5 in that attempt. many level 4 attempts havent come even close. 100 plus gold to win level 4 if very unlucky plus maybe 50 gold in level 5 to lose 149 gold and gain 8 hammers 6 for winning plus 2 for multiple failures in level 4 and 5.


  • KingsPinn
    KingsPinn Posts: 3,526 Level 2

    If you're spending more than you're winning then it's probably better to stop playing. You don't need to play this promotion to progress in the game so if you're not getting the rewards you want, then just carry on with the normal game.Β 

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