Why is there No Bubblegum Hill Again ???

Level 1
It is so annoying. You can't keep up with updates. I complete your new 20 levels usually on the same day you update. I sometimes buy in app purchases. I am a very popular user of King games and recommend to lots of people. However!! I have had enough. As you can't keep up with updates on Soda, Candy Crush or Jelly!! at the very least you could give me Bubble Gum Hill!!! Another boring weekend checking the App Store to see if King Manage to make an update! Apparently it now goes to selected people???? So what makes me so NOT special????
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Think about the players who don't get Bubblegum Hill and all of the other promotions week in, week out...
Maybe don't pass all the levels on day one, haha. Space them out a little so the game lasts longer.