Lost boosters AGAIN but for last time.

Level 1
For the 3rd time recently, I've lost boosters that I've purchased and won. I may continue to play but will not be spending one dime on your games. ...yes the 3 candy games. The ccs level 1939 is almost impossible to beat without a booster and since you'very taken them from me, I will ultimately quit playing. My 15 gold will be cashed in. Check me out, I spent quite a few dimes on your games but will find other games that do not take away. BTW folks, COOKIE JAM is just as fun and you get lots of free stuff that never dissappears! I've read your asinine answer as to why this is happening and totally reject it. No reply needed unless you're going to return all lost boosters.
Please check your King Care inbox (top right on a computer or in the left hand menu on mobile) as I have sent you a message about this.
Kind regards,
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I don't know the answer. But I've lost my boosters over 30 times on Cookie Jam. I have gotten the powers that be to give me coins to replace them. But the coins disappeared within a couple days. There must be another match three game that won't allow this to happen. I'm looking for it.