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Why does it take more bars when it show I use 5?

dchat1950 Posts: 1 Newbie

I paid $14 for 100 bars and extras, however I only used the extra bars 4 times and I should have 80 bars left, it shows I have 38 bars, how does 100 subtract 20 = 38? This is the 2nd time this happened to me and I thought it was me the first time so I thought I would try it again. I would like to get what I paid for please or I will not ever buy anything again. Thank you


  • MarkHawk
    MarkHawk Posts: 4,061 Community Manager

    Hi dchat1950,

    I have checked your game account and located your transactions:

    20/10/16, 23:39:38 Purchased 100GB. Account: 100 GB

    20/10/16, 23:39:43 Extra moves costing 6GB. Account: 94 GB

    22/10/16, 17:29:18 Extra moves costing 10GB. Account: 84 GB

    22/10/16, 22:51:38 Extra moves costing 10GB. Account: 74 GB

    24/10/16, 17:08:20 Extra moves costing 10GB. Account: 64 GB

    26/10/16, 20:00:35 Extra moves costing 10GB. Account: 54 GB

    26/10/16, 20:00:59 End Game Swipe Package costing 16GB. Account: 38 GB

    All times are in CET - Central European Time.

    Kind regards,

    - Mark, Team King Care

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