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My daily Boosters

dkears Posts: 1 Newbie

I have the same phone number  the same facebook login and the same email  I am up to day 75 on my daily boosters on my old phone and they wont transfer over to my new.  I would think that they would of transferred over when I logged in on the new and they haven't.  I would like my daily boosters back asap. 

Best Answer

  • StuckInATree
    StuckInATree Posts: 4,755 Level 3
    Answer ✓

    Boosters don't transfer over, it's only Gold Bars and level progress that does. Its the opposite reason as to why you have to be connected online to use Gold Bars, boosters get stored on the device in order to make them available when playing without a connection. When I got a replacement phone I had to send my purchase receipts in order to get my items credited back to me.


  • StuckInATree
    StuckInATree Posts: 4,755 Level 3
    Answer ✓

    Boosters don't transfer over, it's only Gold Bars and level progress that does. Its the opposite reason as to why you have to be connected online to use Gold Bars, boosters get stored on the device in order to make them available when playing without a connection. When I got a replacement phone I had to send my purchase receipts in order to get my items credited back to me.

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