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Why are you getting rid of bubblegum hill?

Lisa Posts: 53 Level 2

Why are you phasing out Bubblegum Hill?  First you had it for 2 days in the week, then 1 day a week, now nothing!!  I really enjoy playing that game, much more so than the "fish" game where you have to play against other people.  I hope you all reconsider this and bring back Bubblegum Hill.  I am sure I am not the only one who will miss it!!



  • StuckInATree
    StuckInATree Posts: 4,755 Level 3

    I'm hoping it's just hibernating for Christmas and ready to make a comeback for the new year! Definitely more fun than Kimmy's gone fishing, I have to agree and think most do to!

  • Wigs
    Wigs Posts: 1 Newbie

    I agree Lisa, I want it back too!!

  • JeannieWally
    JeannieWally Posts: 45 Level 2

    Absolutely agree!  Bubblegum Hill is the main reason to play.....without it we will move on to something else.  Please bring BGH the very least, if you must keep the fishing/starcatcher stuff, alternate with BGH every other time!!!!

  • Cara-Marie
    Cara-Marie Posts: 2 Newbie

    I feel you Lisa. These guys are giving away less and less and it sucks. I haven't had bubblegum hill for like 3 weeks now but my friends have....and they have had fish or stripe tournaments at the same time.  Not only that, but every stripe or fish they make counts for 10!!! Which makes it a lot easier for them to get to the top of their tournament. Bring back BGH!!!!!!!

  • Cara-Marie
    Cara-Marie Posts: 2 Newbie

    Apparently we are not in the right test group. Here is the response that I got:

    Hi Cara-Marie,Thanks for your email and let's try to get you back on track.It may help you to know that our Game Studios are constantly working on enhancing our games by introducing new features, gameplay or concepts.To ensure the change is a positive one, a randomly chosen group of players is always selected to trial the feature, before we decide whether the change is one we want to permanently implement or not.If you haven't received the feature this time round then fingers crossed it'll be coming your way soon in the future.

    I hope this helps but if it hasn't fully answered your question, then head on over to our King Care community where your fellow players may well have the answer waiting for you.Simply click the button below to get more help with Candy Crush Soda Saga

    Kind regards,


    King Customer Care

    ....thanks Bernard (if that it your real name lol) I appreciate you're just doing your job and probably getting a lot of complaints about this and I appreciate the quick response but this feels like a script and I fail to see how they could possibly think that taking away the king could be a positive change in any way shape or form. I think we need to start a petition lol

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?