What is the rreasoning behind the new
Please explain the reasoning behind the change in the daily boosters. You used to win a group of three. Since a week and a half ago it changed. You sign into CC Soda and you have five lives and you immediately win only one booster and a "USELESS 30 Minutes" playing time. Useless because you already have 5 lives which will probably take 30 minutes to use. Whoever is responsible had better put on a thinking cap and come up with something better!!!!!
Who knows what their reasoning is but considering it's free stuff we're hardly in a position to complain.
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"StuckInATree" is exactly where you should be!!!! What level are you on? or do you even play Candy Crush Soda???? Once you get to levels 1200 plus you need boosters to pass some levels. ---- not 30 minutes of play that is expired by the time you use up your 5 lives. What kind of a bonus is that??? It looks like you have given advice hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of times which tells me you are nothing but a loud mouth and know absolutely nothing about. the actual game. So no thanks I don't want to hear from you again. Good-Bye!!!
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Lol that makes all the sense in the world....I'm on level 1301 so I must be doing something right if I've got here without knowing absolutely nothing about the game.