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Why did they downed me from royal level to diamond level if I did not play the challenge?

Faride_CV Posts: 1 Newbie

I was royal level and I'm in the last level in the game, at least in Mexico, level 1330. I can not keep playing because there are no more levels to play until next actualization. There was a Challange that ended yesterday and when I entered the app they send me a message that since I had 0 fishes, my level was going down from royal to diamond. But why? A can not play all the challenges because there are no more levels and if I play the ones I have already played, I will be in disadvantage, since they will not have the X10 benefit... Am I going down to the first level if I don´t play all the challanges published? So unfair.


  • JillyJill
    JillyJill Posts: 968 Pro Player 👑

    Hi Faride CV,

    Thank you for contacting King Care! I can understand your frustration because if there are no more levels to play you can't really compete in the fishing tournament. I myself no longer have the fishing tournament. I'm not sure why they took it away for me but at least you have the fishing tournament and the next time around you can probably kick some butt because new levels will be released. I actually didn't even know there was a royal level and a diamond the level in the fishing tournament that's how long ago I've been without it. But hopefully with the next update you will be able to get back to your royal level. 

    I suppose if you don't play any level at all, it will reduce your royal level since you had zero fish. I would suggest to just start playing the older levels, like level 8 is a good one to get a lot, and just build your score up so at least maybe you can move back up even though they're not x10s there will be something, that way you're not sticking at zero. 

    I can understand your frustrations because I am at the end as well, but just stick to it and play older levels and I sure hope this helps you a little and leaves you with some encouragement!

    Thank you,


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