Candy Crush Soda AI
The fish are so dumb, and they are the cause of much frustration. Example 1: In find the bears, the fish go for all the ice without bears under them before breaking ice that will actually save the bear. Example 2: In get the bear above the candy string, the fish only go for blockers instead of trying to move the bear upward. Example 3: In pop the bottles, the fish first go for the bottles with tons of blockers on top before going for those that have no blocker. Example 4: Whenever I make a color bomb, some random wrapped candy just detonates and then the color bomb removes the candy with the sparsest presence on the board. For example, I have seen color bombs destroy a candy with only 7 of them on the board. Example 5: Whenever I make a coloring candy, I am always excited. Often, I can get a special candy next to it, but once I make the special candy, the chain reaction causes the coloring candy to activate, coloring only a few (often less than 10) candies on the board. Example 6: Sprinkleshell is sometimes very annoying. I use a trackpad to play candy crush, and sometimes, when I activate him and move my cursor over the board to destroy the color that I want, he randomly activates and destroys the color that is least prevalent on the board. Example 7: In the Soda Crush, horizontal striped candies will activate while the candies are falling down so that a minimal amount of candies are destroyed. Also, color bombs and coloring candies made in a Soda Crush only activate when the candies are falling down, because there are fewer candies on the board. Example 8: In eat the honey and save the bears, striped fish are no help. They only destroy a row or collumn with only one bear in it. Wrapped fish always go for a space in the corner so that a minimum number of bears are saved, or they go for a space with few bears in general.
These are the rules. This is the way the fish and other elements have been designed. There isn't much you can do I'm afraid.Β