New iPad how to get the tasks working
I have got 2 iPad air tablets. I have been playing Soda Saga on both with my Facebook account. Now my wife is using the other iPad for work related issues and not for games anymore. Everything else is perfect (levels, gold bars etc) but the tasks (I am not sure about the English translation - in Finnish Tehtävät) which is the lowest icon on the right side of the main page (the medal sign) The tasks are always updating to my wifes iPad, but on my own the tasks always say 96 hours 00 minutes to next task. How can I switch this?
Ah you must mean the quest feature, apparently it's only stored locally so like with lives and boosters it won't transfer past and ongoing quests to another device. The quest feature in Soda is also in testing so people might have slightly different version of it, was the refresh timer lower than 96h on previously?