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New feature - Mr Toffee's Fair!



  • Cheryl_Marino
    Cheryl_Marino Posts: 4

    Level 1

    Worked on hard row all myself. Two days only had an easy collect number of greens left and got a Parker. Had to start a whole new row and never got any help. The hard row I had almost completed I am sure would have had a better prize. MTF stinks. 
  • So the player with the red and white avatar waited until I had made two check marks across the top before they decided to camp on the top far right tile for three days. Their progress bar stayed at zero. Then, they waited until I made three checks on the third line down before moving to block my progress there. Why do we still not have a "kick in-active player off tile" feature? :(

  • Still don't see the need for this to be a team feature. Even if the 2 tiles per day rule didn't change many of us would still complete boards faster!
    However, I have always thought that should be modified!
  • susanm9090
    susanm9090 Posts: 90

    Level 3

    I have a Parker who completed one tile and then half of a red candies tile before quitting a couple of days ago. Player two isn’t playing.    I could work around him or her if I was willing to use a booster but I am not going to.  I am just going to sit and ignore the game for as long as it takes until someone finishes it.  I am pretty tired of doing the work for others rewards.
  • lilpebbles30
    lilpebbles30 Posts: 15

    Level 2

    Anyone else who hasn't had Mr toffee in a few weeks? I'll get notifications 4 it but I don't have it.... Someone help please 
  • Anyone else who hasn't had Mr toffee in a few weeks? I'll get notifications 4 it but I don't have it.... Someone help please 
    You’re lucky!  I haven’t had that awful feature yet and hopefully never will.  Did you get the quests back in the meantime?
  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879
    We are now 7 months further and nothing has changed. The parkers can still sit on a tile, 2 moves per 24 hours, and rewards that are totally incomparable with the quests. It is said that the team is working on it but I think this is it. Deal with it or leave.
  • lilpebbles30
    lilpebbles30 Posts: 15

    Level 2

    Is there anyone else who hasn't had Mr toffee in a few weeks? I'll get notifications 4 it but I don't have it.... Someone help please 
  • TheaPierrot
    TheaPierrot Posts: 25

    Level 3

    It seems the booster tiles are gone! 

  • It seems the booster tiles are gone! 
    I thought so too as I had a couple boards where there weren’t any, but the last board I had four of them.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?