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New feature - Mr Toffee's Fair!



  • nothappyjan
    nothappyjan Posts: 27

    Level 3

    nothappyjan said:You are quite right Dirty Nurse. Stupid I know, but I was hoping someone up there in Kingland would pay attention, and then I'd be able to go back to the game I so used to love. I realise that is never going to happen now.

    nothappyjan said: Sadly I am right. Having completed many rows (mainly on my own) lately, the truth is the prizes now are an hour of lives and a wrapped or similar candy. WTF? What is the point of that measly prize King? Do you you really want us to keep playing? I don't think so.
    MTF, Soda Squad, Move Rush and now some crappy weekly challenge where you must beat more levels than other players...

    All futile attempts to make players think the game is fresh and innovative, full of groundbreaking ideas...

    ...when in fact every level from 1 to 3,000 is still a dull, tedious and completely skill-less drudge, with players merely waiting for the program to let them win. 

    And please explain this: I logged in to play and the leader of this sensationally exciting weekly challenge has cleared 13 levels. I am on zero. I beat the level I am on, and it updates the sensationally exciting weekly challenge by putting me on 1 complete, but the leader has jumped to 14. All fair enough. I beat the next - it updates me to 2 levels won, leader still on 14. I even beat the next and here's the scam...Here's the dishonesty, the deceit, the whole game revealed for what it is - I am updated to 3 levels complete. And the leader miraculously jumps to 18 levels complete. 

    Now either he/she was extremely quick and managed to clear 4 levels in the time it took me to complete one (which I did first time, in about 3-4 minutes), OR the game is a complete crock of cheating and fraudulent garbage.

    I think I will plump for the latter.

    Well Candy Crush Soda challenge has now reached a new low. Looks like nobody can even be bothered complaining about the challenges anymore.  Well I am. Now the reward for completing the row appears to be an hour of play and a stupid wrapped candy or some such. Has anyone else noticed this? Shame on you King.

    I can’t believe you guys are still partaking in this awful Farce.  Perhaps if you all stop engaging with the thing it will be removed in favor of superior non-“team” events.  

  • Ditte
    Ditte Posts: 464
      Argh again I have idiotic teammates. I started working on 3 colourbombs. Player 2 chose to go horisontal with 15 fish. I didn't want to go that way as it involved a bubblelevel. I then made 2*2 stripes which left 150 orange and 140 cyan so as easy as it gets. Player 2 is still fishing. 5/15. And player 3 who entered the board, when I had made my two tiles, chose and has completed 2 fish/colourbombs and has now chosen a frostinglevel. So even if player 2 makes the orange or cyan when he/she is done fishing we won't make a row today. 
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Ditte said:
      Argh again I have idiotic teammates. I started working on 3 colourbombs. Player 2 chose to go horisontal with 15 fish. I didn't want to go that way as it involved a bubblelevel. I then made 2*2 stripes which left 150 orange and 140 cyan so as easy as it gets. Player 2 is still fishing. 5/15. And player 3 who entered the board, when I had made my two tiles, chose and has completed 2 fish/colourbombs and has now chosen a frostinglevel. So even if player 2 makes the orange or cyan when he/she is done fishing we won't make a row today. 

    Wow @Ditte, I never analyzed it like you do.  This has been a cool eye opener for me because I never take notice of what the other players do or don't do.  I always go after the collecting the color candies or the frosting level.  I stay away from the special candies.  I bet there are a lot more that think like you.  I truly appreciate reading how you do this event.  Thanks!
  • Ditte
    Ditte Posts: 464
    Elsa said:
    Ditte said:
      Argh again I have idiotic teammates. I started working on 3 colourbombs. Player 2 chose to go horisontal with 15 fish. I didn't want to go that way as it involved a bubblelevel. I then made 2*2 stripes which left 150 orange and 140 cyan so as easy as it gets. Player 2 is still fishing. 5/15. And player 3 who entered the board, when I had made my two tiles, chose and has completed 2 fish/colourbombs and has now chosen a frostinglevel. So even if player 2 makes the orange or cyan when he/she is done fishing we won't make a row today. 

    Wow @Ditte, I never analyzed it like you do.  This has been a cool eye opener for me because I never take notice of what the other players do or don't do.  I always go after the collecting the color candies or the frosting level.  I stay away from the special candies.  I bet there are a lot more that think like you.  I truly appreciate reading how you do this event.  Thanks!
      I always go for the rows without new levels, because I play all the new levels Friday. If there are no rows without new levels I go for the one with "a new level" never the ones with a specific kind of new level and then hope one of the other players will do that. If there is more than one row without new levels and they're overlapping, I start with the tile that is in both rows. Both to make sure a blocker/parker doesn't pick that tile and so I have another row to work at, if I'm blocked. Before choosing the second tile I try to figure out if other players are working on their tiles or just sitting there. If they're sitting there too long doing nothing I avoid that row. If no other players show up, I choose the easiest row and start with the most difficult tiles leaving the easiest ones for the next day or for the other players. As I did today with the 150 orange and 140 cyan. Always a gamble which tiles to choose. The safe way is to avoid rows with other players and then complete the row myself over 2 days. Risky to gamble on other players to complete their tiles. If they do the row will be made in one day, if not it will then take me 3 days to make a row, if there even is another row I can do myself without new levels. 
       And very annoying that they suddenly decided BGH doesn't count. Same lame excuse as for "The Fix" in CCS. 
  • Ditte
    Ditte Posts: 464
    Elsa said:
    Ditte said:
      Argh again I have idiotic teammates. I started working on 3 colourbombs. Player 2 chose to go horisontal with 15 fish. I didn't want to go that way as it involved a bubblelevel. I then made 2*2 stripes which left 150 orange and 140 cyan so as easy as it gets. Player 2 is still fishing. 5/15. And player 3 who entered the board, when I had made my two tiles, chose and has completed 2 fish/colourbombs and has now chosen a frostinglevel. So even if player 2 makes the orange or cyan when he/she is done fishing we won't make a row today. 

    Wow @Ditte, I never analyzed it like you do.  This has been a cool eye opener for me because I never take notice of what the other players do or don't do.  I always go after the collecting the color candies or the frosting level.  I stay away from the special candies.  I bet there are a lot more that think like you.  I truly appreciate reading how you do this event.  Thanks!
      And the goal is to make a row not just tick random tiles, so you have to consider what the other players are doing, and what they CAN, if they don't have new levels or are stuck at a level. 
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Man oh man, can I make you part of my team?  I am far from the top of the game.  I think I'm in the 2300s so what you might think of a team member sitting there too long might be me stuck on a level.  I can go days without clearing a level or else I have to buy extra moves in order to advance.  So some team members are not just sitting there too long - they just can't clear a level to contribute to the team.  I would love you on my team of two!  You and me!  You do the difficult ones and I'll take the easy ones!
  • Ditte
    Ditte Posts: 464
        I usually go back to good old 153 when playing MTF, now that BGH doesn't count. Same level I used for the Quests. It's good for everything but red candies, where I go to level 155. Yes I can understand being stuck on a level for days, but you can still make colourbombs, fish etc when stuck on a level. Or go back to an old level to collect them. I've seen people sitting on tiles like collect 150 green for days, which means they aren't playing at all, since it only takes a few minutes to collect that. 
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Thank you for sharing level 153 with me!  I agree with you about sitting on a tile to collect the color candies.   That takes no time at all.  By the way, question for you about BGH.  When you get dethroned how many gold bars do you get?  I only get 1 gold bar lately but some players have received 11 so do you know how I can get more?
  • Ditte
    Ditte Posts: 464
    Elsa said:
    Thank you for sharing level 153 with me!  I agree with you about sitting on a tile to collect the color candies.   That takes no time at all.  By the way, question for you about BGH.  When you get dethroned how many gold bars do you get?  I only get 1 gold bar lately but some players have received 11 so do you know how I can get more?
        It depends on how long you sit on the throne. I just got 10, but that's very unusual. Usually I get 1 maybe 2 if I'm lucky. For 10 you probably have to sit on the throne for at least an hour maybe 2. Years ago you got a lot more. I've gotten 99 once or twice back then. And we also got 12 or was it 20 goldbars with the 6 lollies just to get the throne and then more depending on how long you sat on it. So it's pure luck how many you get depending on other players.  
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Thanks for explaining BGH to me!  So it's not something that I am doing wrong then. 

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