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New feature - Mr Toffee's Fair!



  • yvonneschoenrock
    yvonneschoenrock Posts: 29

    Level 3

    But it's not possiblw to find out anything about the other players. You are not in contact with them. I don't think they should give it to anyone else, it's a nightmare. I want them to take it off my phone. 
  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879
    I think it would be fair to give everyone the same options.
  • yvonneschoenrock
    yvonneschoenrock Posts: 29

    Level 3

    All of the people that have received Toffee Fair havn't been given any options. There are hardly any boosters unless you buy them. That is your option. There are no options!!! I want the option to get rid of it like everyone else who has had it foisted upon them without any warning. You seem to think you are missing out on something..... trust me, you are missing nothing !!!
  • mstroop1
    mstroop1 Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I’m replying to all the comments about “phantom” teammates or “bots” in the awful Mr. Toffee’s Fair. I am not a phantom. I am a real player, playing every day and doing my best to complete something. I have no boosters and no way to get any and have been stuck on the same level for days. So, give your teammates a break, they may be trying just as hard as you are. 

    My complaint is the same as all the others. The reward doesn’t come close to matching the effort. In my case, my team and I even completed a row but got NOTHING! But like stupid little sheep we kept trying, but have not been able to complete another. I absolutely hate this feature! Quests were reasonable and depended only on your own effort. Please bring them back!!
  • Wiggles777
    Wiggles777 Posts: 78

    Level 3

    My “teammates” have been working the same tasks all week with no progression. They are blockers more than teammates and I’m honestly a little bitter that they will be rewarded for all of my work.  The game is broken in its current form please give us a spin wheel or something.  
  • Bumblebeee
    Bumblebeee Posts: 3

    Level 1

    My quests have disappeared but I don't even have access to Mr. Toffee. It simply doesn't exist in my game!! Please bring back quests, I have been playing for 8 years and would hate to have to find a new game!
  • Anne_Martin
    Anne_Martin Posts: 300
    they destroyed jelly a few months ago, no quests and no rewards. Now, it is soda's turn...
    The levels must be possible, not so hard that you need weeks to pass them. King has lost touch with the players.
    You depend on them to get a good configuration, usually a sift and black candy together. You will get it, one day, but another day...

  • daisy70
    daisy70 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Bring back the daily boosters.
    Mr. toffees fair is the worst booster challenge ever. I don’t want to count on others playing often enough for me to win. I can’t complete some of the tasks because I don’t have the boosters. How to get boosters, win the task- seems like a catch- 22. You can only pass 2 tasks a day; the daily boosters gave you 3 and the challenges expire after 2 weeks. The one square I need for a win is taken by another player.
    i used to enjoy playing Candy Crush Soda, now I would give it 2 stars ar the most.
  • Janineann
    Janineann Posts: 22

    Level 3

    Updated the app tonight and lost Mr Toffe’s fair as well.  Now no possibility of any boosters whatsoever.  I was figuring it out too.  This is too much. I’m so disappointed. 
  • tmwallace
    tmwallace Posts: 76
    Some of the tiles require that you use boosters to pass that task. For instance, use 4 striped lollipop hammers. I have 2 striped lollipop hammers. So I would have to buy the boosters to earn maybe 1 booster. So now you have to spend money to get boosters so you can pass a task and you may or may not complete that row. It depends on your teammates and the reward is small if you do get something. Last row completed I got just 1 wrapped candy. I agree with everybody else -- Mr Toffee's Fair needs to go and Quests need to come back!

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