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New feature - Mr Toffee's Fair!



  • Kerriann
    Kerriann Posts: 42

    Level 3

    Kerriann said:
    Xarly said:
    Hi everyone,

    Firs I'llI beb fendinge I want to say thank you to you all! Not only for your feedback and for staying respectful but also for your words to me. It's an honour to represent you all and to make sure your voice is heard 😊.

    That said, as per usual, I'd like to share the following with some bullet points to make it more clear and understandable:

    1. We still have to collect more information and feedback around Mr Toffee's fair. As @Bricorn perfectly said, we need to be mindful of the fact that a lot of our players out there, that are not commenting here, are actually enjoying and using this feature. Our data is showing so and we need to be respectful of that. That is why we will have the feature running for some more weeks. I hope you understand the reason behind it and remain respectful.
    2. There is no plan on bringing the quests back at the moment. Mr Toffee's fair, as mentioned from the very beginning is a new version of the previous quests. I understand that many of you here were big fans of the quests but the reality is that, when looking at the whole community of millions of players, this feature was underwhelming and was not enjoyed and used by a lot of our players. Mr Toffee's fair is already a positive change on that. We are already seeing more players engaging with the new feature than how it was with the quests. Once we have enough data and feedback (as mentioned in point 1), we will be able to adjust it where needed to make sure you enjoy it more.
    3. There is a lot on the way! You might be wondering why right now some events you enjoyed are missing. The reason behind it is because we have looked at them and realised that we could improve many of the things we had. Stay tuned because very cool stuff is coming your way and I promise you the team is working really hard at the moment on delivering it!
    That's a summary of the situation as it stands. I have been honest and transparent (hopefully clear as well) with my response and I hope this helped you all understand better where we are at. As you can see, a lot goes in the background when making a game that is played by millions of people every day. We have a lot to learn and we are all humans here, so please be mindful of that. 

    I want to emphasise again that your feedback is much appreciated and that what you say here is discussed internally and taken very seriously, so please don't stop providing us with in-depth feedback and suggestions.

    I'll be deleting the game then. In 8 days, I've moved about 6 levels. Been playing the game for long time purely because it's free.
    Oh, and I'm level 2061.😠
  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879
    I don’t believe that people like Mr. Toffee at all. I think the only reason someone is playing this is because they hope to win boosters. The studio should ask people what they think. Data shows that people are playing but doesn’t show why they are playing. Well, I still don’t have it, I’m saving my boosters and play BGH a lot to collect the lollipops . I will not buy any booster!
  • LauraLMason
    LauraLMason Posts: 411
    If  there are some out there that actually like Mr Toffee I can't imagine that they would be satisfied with the rewards which typically seem to be an hour of play and 1 booster. It can take several days or more to earn this. Some of the original Quests can take a few days to finish but you are rewarded fairly for your time and effort.
  • ISurvived
    ISurvived Posts: 50

    Level 3

    Xarly might be listening but not HEARING us. 

    So, let's take a great game, remove all boosters, make it so you can't get more, and call it better! 

    That doesn't make sense!!

    I'm done. I need to find a new favorite game. 
  • yvonneschoenrock
    yvonneschoenrock Posts: 29

    Level 3

    I agree Laura. Anyone who claims they actually like that rubbish must be very bored to be able to put up with it !!!

  • yvonneschoenrock
    yvonneschoenrock Posts: 29

    Level 3

    Yes I agree what xarly said does not make a lot of sense. I don't think anyone agrees with him. What we are experiencing is the direct antithesis of what he is saying !!!
  • AngeliquevanG
    AngeliquevanG Posts: 47

    Level 3

    Yes I agree what xarly said does not make a lot of sense. I don't think anyone agrees with him. What we are experiencing is the direct antithesis of what he is saying !!!

  • AngeliquevanG
    AngeliquevanG Posts: 47

    Level 3

    The response of Xarly is one big fairytale based on misinterpretation of data. If you give people a choice you can make conclusions not if somebody is forced to play a horrible feature or nothing at all. 
  • LauraLMason
    LauraLMason Posts: 411
    It definitely doesn't make sense to claim that Quests were underwhelming not enjoyed or not used by a lot of players. It's what everyone wants back and the biggest way to get boosters unless you want to buy them or win BGH a few times. The only reason Mr Toffee seems to have an increase in players is because you have to play as a group of 3 and  there is no other option!
  • Nancy1234
    Nancy1234 Posts: 9

    Level 2

    Just like GymLex, I created an account just so I could comment on Mr. Toffee's Fair.  I agree with everyone else that I don't like it and wish King would return quests.  I am not able to earn boosters as fast with this new game - and I'm talking about switches, lollipop hammers and striped hammers, not an hour of something else.  If you won't get rid of Mr. Toffee's Fair at least make these improvements - let us see what our rewards would be.  I will not use my boosters for an unknown prize since it might be worse than what I used, especially if I don't know if the row will ever be completed.  And second, don't let someone take up a space for days without completing it.  Kick them off after a period of time so someone else has a chance to complete it.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?