🏆 Show off your Soda skills, claim level milestone badges HERE! !🥤
We are searching for Soda & Community Experts! Do you have what it takes?
Hi everyone,
Do you hear that? You're right, it's a drumroll!
Aaaaand, without further ado, I would like to welcome our new Candy Crush Soda Community Expert!🎉 Foley1362 🎉
Congratulations @Foley1362 ! You have been helping players out in Soda for many months now and always try to help those that are lacking an answer to make sure they are happy . You make this Community a better place, and it was only fair we thanked you for this!
20 Gold Bars and the exclusive badge are now going your way. To you, and to everyone else, thank you for making this Community a joyful place for everybody else!
And, as always, stay tuned, more candidates will be rewarded the exclusive badge as they keep sharing their knowledge, passion or helping us create a community around our game.
Xarly -
OMG I am so HAPPY @Xarly! Thank you so much 🙏🏻 I love this game and this community so much. In my past life I was King Chewy 🍩🍩🍩 so this is just awesome 😎
Thank you @firebombmarkus, @Elsa & @RegalRenz 💪🏻 -
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