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Soda Squad Con..

Hooky Posts: 136
Soda Squad is just a nightmare.!! It doesn't work.! My Squad hasn't even got half the points needed.! It doesn't make me want to play anymore.! It just makes me think King is trying to get more revenue out of you.!! 


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,147
    edited July 2019
    Hello @Hooky, Hope you are having a nice day and enjoying the King Community :)  

    I am sorry to hear that you are not liking this feature!!  I am also not that much of a fan of this feature, but I don't mind if it stays in my game!! 

    Because we receive 1 point each when we log into the game -- which we do anyway!  If just by luck, other players have played some levels and earn the points, that is even good... this way you will be able to open at least the first box and receive the gift from it!!  

    But, I have not understood what you meant when you said / thought "King is trying to get more revenue from us"!!  Especially for Soda squad, why do you think you will have to spend money?  

    Please post back your reply by tapping on "Type your Comment" box located below.  

    Looking forward to talk to you further!  Have a nice day/evening!
  • Hooky
    Hooky Posts: 136
    Moderator pretending to be a gamer.? With nearly 3000 comments written in very poor English.!! Its not difficult to work out.!! Every time you win a level you win points.! Often to win a Level you have to SPEND MONEY.! Either by buying lives or power ups.! 
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,147
    Hello again @Hooky

    I agree with you that the farther we advance in the game, the harder these levels became, and we do have to spend our Gold Bars or the Boosters to win certain levels.  But, we are not forced to spend our money!!  I don't like to spend my real money on any of the games I play....
    so if I find a level hard, I will just stop playing and stock up on my in-game boosters and try to win the level.  I don't care if I am far behind to my friends in my level progress!  I am just playing these games for fun but not to get agitated! 

    And with regards to the Soda Squad --> Yes, True!  Along with daily log-in points, we win 3 points for winning each regular levels, 4 points for Hard levels, and I think 6 points for a Super Hard levels (that is when we win the levels with 3 stars) and also 10 points for finishing an episode.  But, if I can play, I will play and contribute towards gaining points... if I cannot play, I simply cannot but help the team with my log-in points.  If I am in the team of very active players, they will be very upset with me because I will be the one with least score :p  

    Last but not least, for you thinking me as Moderator but not a gamer, I do not know how to convince you on that!!  But anyway, I will tag the Soda Community Manager @Xarly to answer you in more professional & sophisticated way to explain a bit more about the Soda Squad!  But, you will have to wait till Monday as they are off for the weekend! 

    Thank you for posting in the Community!  Have a nice day/evening! 
  • Xarly
    Xarly Posts: 2,509
    Hi there,

    First and foremost, treat people here with respect if you wish to stay in this Community. @Pummy Raj is a great member of this Community and we appreciate and value her presence a lot. She treated you kindly and with respect and I expect you to do the same with her. It's common sense and manners, I'm sure you'll understand.

    To your feedback, the Soda Squad is not meant to target people spending more but people teaming up to achieve goals. If you wish to add your feedback, I'd appreciate you checking out the main thread we have for it, rather than creating a new one of your own. I'll now close this thread as it's repetitive of the main thread, that can be found here.

This discussion has been closed.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?