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New Rainbow Streak (aka Rainbow Road) - We want your Feedback!

QueenB Posts: 15,777
edited August 2019 in Discussions
Hi everyone,

We would love to know your thoughts on Rainbow Streak's new look.

How easy is it to understand the new Rainbow Streak?

What do you like about the new look and why?

Any other thoughts?

Last but not least, don't forget to vote in the poll below 😉

New Rainbow Streak (aka Rainbow Road) - We want your Feedback! 47 votes

Love the new version
Yaz_MilaniDawnEYsarahjamie6bearwithmeDirty_Nursemisskarla83Anetttkamowievcompton187violanagy8706peejayhhk1970billiejo_tjcharli1974mabis86leonypslimegrillittlegemsBBliss98andresgp 23 votes
Prefered the old version
_Elsa_Steve_EpsteinPeggy_BatesBeth_Mc_HughCEG-2LizzyLemondropYoscaLauraLMasonbullywoolyCrimson_DawnRegalRenzPickles123nic0106bernertessacgaines6[Deleted User]Falballakennedy21leslielandbergDraxton 24 votes


  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    edited August 2019
    Prefered the old version
    Why oh why did the studio feel the need to change what was working well?  I have this new version and since I can't compare the old with the new I don't know if the rewards are equally the same.  I loved to see Kimmy dressed up and I am going to miss her.
  • LizzyLemondrop
    LizzyLemondrop Posts: 824
    edited August 2019
    Prefered the old version
    I agree with @Elsa, don't mess with a good thing. I mean, I get the idea of adding the soda bottles; it fits the theme of the game better. However, if Kimmy's appearance doesn't change on the map then I don't think it'll feel quite as fun... I'll have to see how good the rewards are before I make a final decision of Yay or Nay.
    P.S. It would be cute if her dresses changed into other soda shop clothes (like a Poodle Skirt).
  • I haven't had a chance to try out this new version of Rainbow Road yet either, so it is far too early for me to cast a vote. However, I agree with both of you guys that I'm going to miss Kimmy's superhero costumes.
  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 45,123
    Hello @QueenB

    I could not participate in the Poll because I do not have the new look yet!!  The picture you have shared does look nice as the Soda bottle keeps growing!!  But, if that is the change you will be bringing and take out Kimmy, I might not be too happy with it!!  It is very nice to see Kimmy in various outfits when she is on the "Rainbow Road" with us!!

    So, even-though the boosters look the same with "Rainbow Road" and "Rainbow Streak" if you are taking out Kimmy, I am with @Elsa, @LizzyLemondrop and @BeckyBubblegum and oppose the change.  But, if you are keeping her along with the "new Streak", I am up to see new change :D  

    Thank you for asking for our opinion & feedback 🤗🙏🏻
  • Peggy_Bates
    Peggy_Bates Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Prefered the old version
    I absolutely despise the rainbow streak!!! Please replace it with the old version RAINBOW ROAD, it was soooo much better, this one is just a ripoff
  • Steve_Epstein
    Steve_Epstein Posts: 76

    Level 3

    Prefered the old version
    I am concerned that the new Rainbow Bottle system has a minor bug or anomaly.  My version is not gifting double fish although it appears to be in the bottle.  I just confirmed it when I played my most recent board 5 minutes ago.  Double fish can be critical on gum, chocolate, and honey boards so I’ve been forced to add my own fish boosters.  Please check into it.  I liked the costumes, but can deal with the bottle motif.
  • Pickles123
    Pickles123 Posts: 111
    Prefered the old version
    Given that the game is now largely unplayable, the new feature is pretty much useless.
    The daily booster lasts two hours, you get 30 minutes free play, passing more than a couple of levels in that 30 min window, is highly unlikely. To win the Rainbow streak, is more or less impossible.

    All these new features that keep cropping up, are merely a mask to hide the fact, that the game is being developed , in such a way it frustrates players into buying boosters. Moderators and CC sheep can deny it all they want, but the facts are, this game has changed dramatically over the last 12 months.
    Activision honoured the honeymoon period and they are now turning the screw.
    Now, it’s all about generating revenue and no amount of unachievable new challenges and features, will convince the intelligent players otherwise.
  • Steve_Epstein
    Steve_Epstein Posts: 76

    Level 3

    Prefered the old version
    Pickles, tell us how you really feel!  I find it just the opposite.  Of the 30 new boards released last weekend, I cleared 18 with 3 stars and cleared the remaining 12 on the first try.  Through the remainder of the week I got three stars on the rest save one.  It might be time for you to try an easier app.  Baa baa!
  • _Elsa_
    _Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
    Prefered the old version

    Tagging the following players to check this out.  List was created from those of you who already posted in off topic Candy Crush Soda Saga messages.

    @Xarly, @bearwithme, @RegalRenz, @LizzyLemondrop, @BeckyBubblegum, @ColleenCrusher, @candycrushinit, @LauraLMason, @Ashraf, @Crystals, @Katana, @Mystique, @Hinata, @marscrushinit, @Yaz_Milani, @Mahlako, @Crimson_Dawn, @Karolykaaa, @mercerik, @firebombmarkus, @masha2007, @anniegal410, @Pummy Raj @Foley1362,  @Spinnifix , @sophfia , @Anne_Martin , @Yosca, @Ashraf

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?