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How can I get my gold bars restored.

Deztoney77 Posts: 3 Newbie
I used my gold bars to purchase 5 lives, gold bars were deducted but....  no lives were rewarded.  This has happened to me 4 times. One time back to back.  18 gold bars, and then later I lost 9 gold bars, and now I tried again and YES  it happened a fourth time. My power ups were only available for a certain time, which is why I even buy extra lives.  Not Fair and bad , bad, bad. Gold bars are not cheap on  a fixed income.  I want my 36 gold bars back.  Or my Cash.  I enjoy the games but kinks are discouraging.


  • Xarly
    Xarly Posts: 2,509 Community Manager
    Hi @Deztoney77 ,

    Welcome to the Community! I looked at your account and it seems to be working well. The lives you mention buying do show up in our backend system. Sometimes we don't realize that we spent our gold bars or that our lives are indeed filled. Anyhow, I want to make sure you understand we do not intend any harm and that we put a lot of hard work to ensure that, with your game up to date and a stable connection, all transactions happen properly.

    I have sent back the 18 gold bars as a gesture of good will (as mentioned, I can see that both times they did fill your lives up) and I encourage you to be mindful when spending them moving forward.

    I hope to see you around the Community!

  • Deztoney77
    Deztoney77 Posts: 3 Newbie
    I had purchased 100 bars.  Thank you for the 18.  But I did not unintentionally use bars, or was not aware of how many I had before purchasing additional lives.  It seems that if I purchase them back to back (not when I am full, don't need them).  Or.  When an automatic life is within 5-10min of being awarded.  It subtracts the bars and does not reward lives.  I did not make a mistake or spend them when I do not have time to play. This was the third time I refilled on that day.  It took a while to find out how to even contact you, when it happened the first time. But thanks anyway for the 18 bars.  I will keep playing and contact you immediately when it happens again.  Thank you again......Deztoney

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