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Kimmy meets up with a skier

_Elsa_ Posts: 37,542
edited February 2020 in Contests

When Kimmy and the bears arrive at Candycane Slopes they meet up with a skier shivering in front of a fire.

“This w-w-winter is colder than ice cream!, he says.  “If only burning candy canes gave off more heat!   I should really w-w-winter over in the Powder Sugar Desert. Can you p-p-p-oint the way?”

Kimmy feels sorry for him but tells him that they are in a bit of a rush to free some frozen candy bears.  She takes a few minutes to talk to him and then points the way to the Powder Sugar Desert.

The skier is really having difficulty trying to stay warm, so he decides it’s now time to head on over to some warmer weather.  He looks around to see what he could use to put out the fire.  Aha!  Snow is really water when melted so he grabs a handful of snow and throws it on the fire.  That doesn’t really help much.  He realizes that he will need a lot of snow to put the fire out.  As he gathers more snow he says goodbye to Kimmy and the bears.


“I saw them but was too cold to offer help,” says the skier.  “Good luck!  And thank you for pointing me in the right direction to get to the Powder Sugar Desert!”

Let's continue with the next part of our story – More candy bears are frozen

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