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Where's Bubble Gum Hill gone?



  • LizzyLemondrop
    LizzyLemondrop Posts: 824
    edited March 2020

    @cliffrina Thank you for replying and sharing that you are also missing Bubblegum Hill this weekend. Rest assured that you winning the crown often should not affect whether you have the feature or not. Bubblegum Hill is supposed to be available every weekend. This could be a issue affecting several people.

    Tagging @LadyRaffie and @Lola_Pop in case they can shed some light on this mystery 🤔 .

  • bgrams44
    bgrams44 Posts: 0


    Why is there no bubble gum hill today

  • Helene218
    Helene218 Posts: 4

    Level 1

    i can get bubblegum hill on my iPhone this weekend, but can’t get it on my iPad, I’ve rebooted several times and software is up to date. Frustrating.

  • Thank you @Helene218 for adding to the conversation. I agree that this situation is frustrating 😣 I normally look forward to playing Bubblegum Hill over the weekend. Hopefully one of our Community Managers will reply here soon.

  • suzekit
    suzekit Posts: 281

    Amen to that!

  • suzekit
    suzekit Posts: 281

    Bubblegum Hill is needed to help keep us sane in lockdown!

  • Limei
    Limei Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Hi, i have candy crush soda on my laptop and tab. I don't see bubblegum hill today on my tab, but it's on my laptop. I have my wifi on... But there's no bubblegum hill. What could be wrong?

  • Limei
    Limei Posts: 1

    Level 1

    They should give us extra days of bubblegum hill to make up for today's disappearance

  • Tobi40
    Tobi40 Posts: 8

    Level 2

    I have no bubblegum hill either, the day is already gone by.

  • I never got Bubblegum Hill today either. Huge disappointment.

    I play on a Windows 10 laptop.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?