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Update on the Bubblegum Hill event (24th of April)



  • I hope I'm one of the lucky few to get to play it this weekend 😱! I didn't have it last weekend, and twice would be a huge bummer. Thank you for the info @LadyRaffie !

  • Thanks for letting us know, @LadyRaffie! πŸ™‚πŸ‘οΈ

    At least we have an explanation, unlike last week. I'm not sure why BGH must be taken down for the test, but if it must, I wish they'd take it down for everyone. It isn't really fair that some players get to participate while others can't. I am one of the lucky ones who got to play BGH last weekend, so I'm not being a sore-sport. I just feel bad about the circumstances.

  • jimmythekid
    jimmythekid Posts: 104

    No bubblegum hill for the second week in a row now, how ridiculous this is the time everyone needs it and you people do the exact opposite and take it away

  • freefall
    freefall Posts: 7

    Level 2

    well, sorry for not using english in my previous post.

    But, Bubblegum Hill is my favorite enclave. Please, don't experiment etc, right? Yours everyone

  • Rach1972
    Rach1972 Posts: 12

    Level 2

    This has never happened before, and now it happens during lockdown!

    Other games are offering extra things, and you take away !

    It doesn’t take all this time for a test. VERY disappointed in this game now.

    Wont be playing OR paying no more !!!!

  • Giffaren66
    Giffaren66 Posts: 0


    If you must test something on the weekend, make sure that not the same players dont have Bubblegum hill two weekends in row.

  • stan1981
    stan1981 Posts: 3,459

    Hmm... since is a test ... not much choice?

    r u on phone? Do u have unlimited life? Enjoy this first

  • jimmythekid
    jimmythekid Posts: 104

    I'm on world 3768 and have spent a lot of money, no bubblegum hill for the second week in a row has me thinking about not playing any more. Thinking is all I have right now I got laid off 3 weeks ago and have a lot of time on my hands

  • themir
    themir Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Why havent i bybbelgum hill?

  • Lozchap
    Lozchap Posts: 15

    Level 2

    2nd week and no bubblegum hill 😞 was really looking forward to playing..might not bother anymore.. Fed up!!!

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