Update on the Bubblegum Hill
That's it!!! I'm so relieved. Thank you 💕👍
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If something needs to be done well, it also takes time. Please always keep this in mind and remember back next time when something is again.
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I don’t have bgh
i did close and open the game
even switched off. My iPad and iPhone and started again
updates were done today
but still no bgh
please help
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@renamifsud2 I don't have BGH either. I think we are in the naughty list.🙄🙄🙄
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Habe zweimal gespielt aber ich herrsche seit ca. 3 Stunden. Denke ist wieder ein Problem vorhanden.
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I am so angry
I did everything
i even played the last level to finish the episode of the 15 level no 5065
the game was updated as now there isn’t the rainbow boosters they took away two jars of boosters there is only three jars no coloring booster
so what’s wrong please
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at least they finally reacted to my observation/feedback regarding the need to relaunch the game due to its closing once you complete level 5 and hit the collect prizes button ...
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Please can someone answer me
why I don’t have BGH
thank you
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How long will it last
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It can last as long as it wants
as long as I can play it so I can collect some rewards