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Quest taken away

froggie1225 Posts: 1 Newbie

How come the quest got taken away just as i finished a quest and replaced with mr toffee? Not fair or right. Has happened a lot


  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 41,188 Candy Moderator

    Hello @froggie1225 Hearty Welcome to our wonderful King Community 🤗

    I am surprised to hear that you still had Quests till today! Did you not save your game till now or did something change recently that pushed up this change?

    I am asking this because, almost all the players have this new feature called "Mr. Toffee Fair" -- which you finish with a team of 2 more people. I just talked to another player yesterday about this same issue. But the reason for them to have the Quests till recently was they did not "save" the game either through Facebook OR Kingdom account. But, once they saved the game, the update kicked in and the Toffee Fair appeared in their game!

  • PummyRaj
    PummyRaj Posts: 41,188 Candy Moderator

    Hello again @froggie1225

    Sorry, pressed "reply" by mistake, without finishing what I wanted to inform!

    This new feature - Mr.Toffee Fair is not that bad at all. Since we finish the tasks with 2 more players, it will be finished quickly and we can get rewards quickly too. And sometimes, we can finish more than 3 or 4 boards in a day - depending on the tasks we pick.

    ** If you have not tried the feature yet, we have to click only 4 tiles (in a single row or column) on the entire board. We do not have to finish all the tasks that are asked us to do.

    My tip for you is to select the tasks that are not "winning levels". For example, collect 150 Yellow Candies, create 2 Coloring candies, or match 2 Striped Candies, etc., etc. -- because, these you can finish / collect on older levels too. If you choose the tasks with "levels" ONLY new levels count.

    And we never know how long we are going to stuck on a level! Also, make sure you pick that certain column or row which has the tasks of all those kinds that I have mentioned above -- otherwise, all your efforts will go to waste.

    But, only one thing I am not liking (at all) in the Toffee Fair is - when a player picks a task and never finishes it and the same board stays for days!! When that happens on your board, all you can do is pick another row and finish your tasks!

    That's the only one negative point I found with it. I am playing it from more than 6 months (or a year) and no complaints from me 😃

    Hope this clarifies and explains everything you would like to know about the new feature in your game "Mr. Toffee Fair". Please post back and let me know if you need any other information. You can simply type your reply in the comment box given below.

    Keep having fun in your game(s)! Have a wonderful day and great rest of the week 🍬 🍬

  • tratelqalam
    tratelqalam Posts: 2,615 Level 5

    You have to choose easy tasks to finish within the specified time

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?