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Hello the two of you!
I like what @rock2233 states @ElenaVorona : you are friends in the Community, rivals in the game 😉
Have you checked our competition Beat the Level against our Game Expert @Yosca ? That would be a good way to see who's the winner in one of the levels of the game 😛
@LadyRaffie @@ElenaVorona @Yosca I post when I reached 5000 before any one. I posted first but you emerge my post with your post. That creates confusion. I don't know how you check. But I check from game when I reached there I get 5 gold price for reaching first I am attaching screen shot here.
@ElenaVorona hello champ where r you
I play on a laptop
@ElenaVorona that is good but why you telling me. Last night I give you challenge to beat me. If I beat you what is wrong
rock2233, ok. Let's put all the dots on the "i".
For some reason, you are competing with me. I do not know why). I am not with you.
I love competition (it motivates). But not in our case.
You are super active in the forum. And in my opinion, you read a lot of posts and topics. I see you everywhere). I thought you understand what was happening.
There are many active members of the forum who talk about their achievements. Including the number of completed levels. I thought you all read it.
For example, in this thread, you will be interested in a message dated June 19.
I think Origins7_Dale also plays on a laptop.
In the topic about who first reached level 5000, I honestly wrote - I play on a laptop.
And in this thread, too.
I don’t compete with you because for my part it would be dishonest. I am ahead of you for exactly a week.
I think you are a good sprinter in this game. But we run with you in different stadiums.
I wish you success in CCSS.
(using google translator)
I don't know about game on laptop. I don't use my laptop to play game . I play on mobile. At there I beat all players. I don't know you r ahead or far. But I show my screenshots that I reached 5000level before anyone. Ok
rock2233, I'm not your enemy. I like your desire to be the best. I think you are a very good player. No doubt. I’m even proud of you. I’m honest.
(Forget the moment about laptops. Let there be only mobile phones. Ok.)
Another thing surprises me. You are 100% convinced that you are the first. The winner of all.
But why??
Because you were the first to post a screen about your achievement?
But you yourself agreed earlier that not everyone here reports on their achievements and victories.
Only a small part of those who play this game are registered in the community.
So where is the confidence that you are the best player who defeated everyone in the mobile version of the CCSS universe?
I do not understand.
I am interested to know how old you are. But I will not ask. This is personal information.
(using google translator)
@ElenaVorona That is question ok Only a small part of those who play this game are registered in the community. My answer is u r right that very small amount of players register here in community, but all r attached with Facebook. I am also new to this community. Every players r registered either fb or community. If no one is register there that is not my fault. I go according the direction given by game expert. I know this only. Thanks