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The latest booooooring level....

carlcoop Posts: 69

Level 3

3147, utter garbage. Landed on this dull fest whilst on the colour changing bomb daily booster, hit two colour bomb/ colour changing bomb combos, still not completed it.

Given up for today, maybe tomorrow’s double fish booster will help.


Still, there’s always that massively helpful noble path thing to fall back on, if you give Activi$ion some money.....

Never going to happen, they’ll get nowt from me.

The monetisation of this game has killed it stone dead, I play the free 30 minutes, then forget it until the following evening. I don’t always manage the full 30 minutes either.

Maybe I should WaTch sOMe YoUTubE vidEos,oR be PATienT 😂😂😂

The games playing you, not the other way around.......WAKE UP !!!


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