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The latest booooooring level....

carlcoop Posts: 69

Level 3

3147, utter garbage. Landed on this dull fest whilst on the colour changing bomb daily booster, hit two colour bomb/ colour changing bomb combos, still not completed it.

Given up for today, maybe tomorrow’s double fish booster will help.


Still, there’s always that massively helpful noble path thing to fall back on, if you give Activi$ion some money.....

Never going to happen, they’ll get nowt from me.

The monetisation of this game has killed it stone dead, I play the free 30 minutes, then forget it until the following evening. I don’t always manage the full 30 minutes either.

Maybe I should WaTch sOMe YoUTubE vidEos,oR be PATienT 😂😂😂

The games playing you, not the other way around.......WAKE UP !!!


  • MollyS
    MollyS Posts: 7,375

    I play Candy saga and friends. I thought about moving over to this game but I see that it is the same old thing here too!! Thanks for the warning, but I should have guessed it's the same in all the games 🙄🤣

  • This game has always been utterly dull. I didn't think it could get any duller, until they took away virtually all chance of earning any decent free boosters. Now every level is a boring, mindless drudge to play - even so-called easy levels take 20 goes and the current level I am playing (2263) has taken me at least 40 tries and am nowhere near. Developers are so damn thick and unintelligent, they seem to think players enjoy the challenge, instead of taking into account how effing boring any game is when you have to play the same level over and over and over and over and over and over and over. Definition of "game" - a pastime designed to entertain. CCS entertaining? Fun? I'd rather be at the dentist than bother with this crap. It's no longer worth 15 minutes of my day. Awful, monotonous, mind-numbing garbage.

  • Avoid this game like the plague, unless you prefer to be bored sh.itless on a daily basis ...

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  • LOL, damn, am I that transparent?!

    Did you pass 3147?

    You don't need boosters and certainly no skill, just patience. Every level is designed the same. Fail, fail, fail some more ... get closer, but fail, fail and fail some more ... get really close so you are so tempted to buy a booster to help you ... but you realise buying a booster is just dumb because you will only get stuck on the next mind-numbing level instead ... fail, fail and fail some more ... until the program takes pity on you, doesn't want you to quit altogether, so brings in combo after combo and makes it so easy a trained monkey could pass. Rinse and repeat for about 5,000 levels. It's sooooo exciting I can barely sleep at night. What can be more fun than passing about 3 levels a week?!

    You have my admiration sir. Seriously, 3147 levels is a sterling effort.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?