Qualifiyers Episode Race

Hello Soda Crushers!
let us do episode Race.
The first 20 winners will get 10 gold bars and proceed to next round.
let us do in Candycane Isle.
hello guys!
There are 40 views yet? If there are 40 views, Lets us start this race. The 20 winners will proceed to the next round and have 10 gold. Starts at level 121. If the first 20 will reach 135, you will give rewards.
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(Edit by CM: Child Picture)
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Hello @johan1082010 u don't seem to understand why you aren't getting any responses in spite the number of views??
This is because there are Community Managers (CMs) here who organise contests which may include some type of a race and only they can distribute gold to the participants who won. Other than than that there are "Superstars" who also organise some contests here but still distributing gold can be done by the CMs alone.
I feel you should take some time exploring the community first, read and understand how things work here. I'l see u around 🙂 Good day!
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i'm not a superstar @Marriam1. It is okay If I discuss If I'm not a superstar.
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My only point is u csn't organise races if u are not a superstar or CM. Rest i hope u read well to understand.
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@LadyRaffie , I will discuss if I'm not a superstar.
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@Marriam1 , i will organis races if I'm not a superstar.
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5 more views, then we will start.
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The race starts. soda crushers, all 40, go to Candycane Isle Episode. The 20 winners will proceed to the next round and get prizes If you passed 121-135, take a screenshot and comment it using a screenshot to this discussion.
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I will tag players to join the race.
@candycrushinit @Origins7_Dale @Mariam_2 @DieOmimi @KingChewy @coopsj @Elsa @Mery35 @Spinnifix @Lola_Pop @Ladey_B @LadyRaffie @Sofia1992 @Ashraf @Havish @tori19661 @crazy_candy_crasher @Werner_Cichy @MollyS @LizzyLemondrop @BeckyBubblegum @xarageorgakila @Xarly @MountainMom @Tobbyhills @May_Edwards @Leanna_Allen @Diamond Lim @sakura