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If your game is updated, you might have noticed something in the last hours... Kimmy and Yeti are free from the cardboard and have come back to life 😍.
Our @Pitty_Kitty has even shared a gif with us:
What do you think of their new looks?
👉️ Do you like the fact they are 3D characters?
👉️ What about their face expressions?
👉️ And what about the way they move?
👉️ What do you think is better now, what did you like more in the old design?
Lim's CCSS tagging list:
@Werner_Cichy, @Lynette, @BeckyBubblegum, @RobinCorte, @Elsa, @Sukanta_Biswas, @caambuj, @candycrushinit, @Ashraf, @Spinnifix, @SagaR, @sarma_palash123, @doops330, @bearwithme, @PummyRaj, @Yaz_Milani, @firebombmarkus, @RegalRenz, @HellsBelle, @mercerik, @Yosca, @LizzyLemondrop, @KingChewy, @KENTFIELDER, @LaVacaRosada, @AbhinavSargar, @Sofia1992, @sameeksha, @Trish24, @SBH, @Sweetice, @jamilsidiq, @kavidina, @Origins7_Dale, @tratelqalam, @suzekit, @Pcj, @Anahita_2005, @idjowey, @teresawallace44, @lhalha, @Loveth_NP, @mhemz, @Nix66, @Pitty_Kitty, @Soda_bottelet, @Antoniogames2030, @Freddy_Falkner, @CamiloCS, @rajdeeptb, @hechicerilla, @crabapple, @lilikoikisses, @siti_payung, @Marriam1, @DieOmimi, @wykoon, @aijaziqbal, @kiara_wael, @laydeebae, @ElenaVorona, @terrazas1326, @CandyCrushIsCool, @Twi, @ipete, @Nix66, @MountainMom, @ZeesLady, @Aitch, @MollyS, @kukajb, @Adav, @DeepshikhaSharan, @frenioz00 @MAW1972, @Cristina_20, @Greymane, @Ashraf, @Glenn1972, @Alex18, @teresawallace44, and @BQN537! 👋
Thanks @Pitty_Kitty 😘
Hi @LadyRaffie & @Pitty_Kitty thx for info & tag,
What do you think of their new looks? *Liked Kimmy's old look better, she was a happy looking girl, now looks more like a unhappy tomboy, instead of a girl. Yeti is ok, at least he is laughing.
👉️ Do you like the fact they are 3D characters? *Sure.
👉️ What about their face expressions? *Kimmy's is bad, Yeti could look happier.
👉️ And what about the way they move? *Nice feature.
👉️ What do you think is better now, what did you like more in the old design? *I liked the happier looking Yeti & Kimmy in the old design, like the movement in the new design, but that is about it.
Cyas - Origins7 Dale, 😀
Hello and thanks for marking. It's too childish for me. I liked the characters better before. This is more cartoon. Is for children and not for adults. It doesn't have to move. That could be too much for the game. You could really bump into it. What was before was much better and quieter. Because it should be a relaxed game. Players can easily get frustrated from playing.
Hope you understand what I mean !!!
Hey @Pitty_Kitty
Haha i dont like this new characters for sure.. They even look like building candy town took a toll on them too much that they have retired🤣
Honestly the old characters looked so much better, younger and happier
Hi @LadyRaffie and thank you for this post.
Well done @Pitty_Kitty for pulling it off 😆.
Firstly, thanks to the creative team behind the 3D artwork and I'm sure they've spend days and many hours to make this happen! The outcome is great especially the animation! However, I wish that the old characters can be transformed into 3D version. I hope to see Kimmy and Yeti be livelier than now 😍
Overall, well done on the graphic and concept!
Of course I did, mobile games are grow up more and more they need some changes and Candy Crush Soda will be 3D is not a bad idea at all... I love the characters been 3D keep it work and also I'm excited to see how CCSS logo look like when it will be 3D like CCFS... 😊
Well the new characters designs has pretty horrible face expressions especially Yeti that make him a lot worst and his face are just like Grinch face from a live action movie... 😲
At least Kimmy looks way better in turns of her face and she looks cuter... 😍
Ok the animations was awkward to me but at least it's better than ever before because the old feel of Candy Crush Soda animations was not that good and I don't see that the characters moving... I love the animation great job to the team but they need to do some changes... 😉💗
Oh man awesome question! 😁
Well I'm not gonna lie, Kimmy is way way WAAAAAY better than the original design, she looks cuter now with her costume and her hair looks very nice... I love her now... 😍
But Yeyyyeeeti... OH DEAR GOD!! Yeti looks garbage now ewwww what is that? 😣 Why instead bring Yeti design from Candy Crush Friends or better yet why you can't take one of Yeti's old designs that has been used in Candy Crush Friends before it soft launched and put it here just like this... 👇
I prefer the original design he looks more cuter than Grinch looking Yeti! Oh I'm diying and I hope the team change his design... he is not Yeti anymore!
So in conclusion, i'm not with or without the change, I love what the team did into the game over the years but of course want to see some changes there and there especially Yeti and well I will bring these designs at 7/10... Great job Soda team!
But for now i'm happy to see something like this happens from a game that change my hole life with it from 2014 and that's how I become a Diehard King fan and well I can't wait to see what Soda team are hiding for us in the virtual event because I know what's going to happen, Candy Crush Soda will be completely revamped into a whole new look and that my prediction... 😄
So until next time... 😍
Thanks @Pitty_Kitty Hello @LadyRaffie
I am not a fan of the new looks. They look more like a cartoon character. I miss them in their previous appearance they looked more fun, cozier and friendlier. So I would say bring them back...