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Level 2
Stuck in level 2041. for 4 days. I did everything but spend money..
Whatever I do, it doesn't let me skip levels even though I play for hours. I was the first in the ranking for the first 3 days. Now I'm the last and still haven't passed the level. I was playing this game for fun, but it doesn't give me any fun anymore. I'm really sick and tired. I am quit. Have fun to you guys...
I will tagging @Yosca or @Origins7_Dale if they can help.
Take a break 1 or 2 weeks. When you come back the game will give you lots of boosters. That should help you pass that awful level.
Hi @TaraGurses @ipete @Diamond Lim @Yosca thx for tag,
Here is a YouTube Video for you on this. Not sure what ranking you are talking about, perhaps you mean "The Weekly Race / Contest?"
It is listed as a "Hard Level", it is in 2 parts. Before, I give any tips, let me first say, what I say to all the players. Forget levels. Might seem strange saying this, but not really. The game has become much more difficult than it was, from past years. What you want first & foremost is "Boosters". In fact, as many as you can get. You will need them on these "Hard", "Super Hard", "Ultra Hard Levels" in Soda.
If you are not on a "Soda Squad Team" yet, & have the app, then get on a "Private" team as soon as possible. Has 12 players on the team, with 3 Chests that have boosters your team can win, over & over again.
See my posts at:
The key to Soda is - "Sprinkleshell" - The most Powerful Ally You Can Have! *Along with having "Boosters"!
It is multifunctional, let's you do everything in the game, along with building up your "Booster Count". Now you are prepared for those higher harder levels, & you play better also, since you have the weapons / boosters you will need, for anything the game throws at you.
In the first part of the level above, you want to clear those blockers at the bottom where the "8 Red Wrapped Candy Icons" are at. Sooner you do it, the more candies you get, to activate the white / with red striped pole at the bottom, called a "Peppermint Stick" blocker. Which will blow up the "4 Blue Wrapped Candies" at the top.
On the 2nd part. 4 Layer Liquorice Link & Liquorice Swirl blockers. Are what you are faced with.
When you can, make Candy fish (also known as Swedish fish), or Vertical Striped Candy, to attack the top honey comb blockers or comb honey blockers. Depending on how many moves you have left on this 2nd part, you can also attack the 4 Layer Liquorice Link, 3 on the left bottom, 3 on the right bottom. This will free the 3 "Vertical Yellow Striped Candy" on the left & right. Notice the 3 "Icon Stripes" on them, they are striped North & South, that means Vertical, when they are striped East & West, that is Horizontal, no good for us here.
Here are other:
Follow the game outline I have given you, & you won't have any problems in the future on this game. Study, simple as that.
Take Care & Welcome To The King Community - Origins7 Dale, 😀