I don't know the people I play against in the weekly race
Level 3
Why are the people I am now up against weekly people I don’t know. I enjoy going against my friends from Facebook
Best Answer
Hi @Ginger_Paul,
If you mean the "Weekly Contest" on (CCSS) Soda. It is against other Soda players. Might have some of your Facebook Friends in it that play Soda, might not. Much has been intermingled lately, especially since Facebook did a major update on their site.
If you mean on (CCS) Saga. That is a combination of things. It has "Facebook", King Players, Candy Crush Facebook Groups, & of course those who play Saga, which would even include "Employees / Kingsters".
I had to rebuild my "Facebook Friends List" back up. Lost everyone but 1 friend. So went there, added everyone back, but, I also added everyone with either a "Candy Crush Logo or Avatar". On Saga, went from 30 Lives to over 1000 very quickly. We are limited on the Soda side, to 5 Lives in your "Inbox" on "Soda Squad Teams", once team reaches the 3rd Chest lose them, have to start over, if you want or need lives.
The other thing it does, by adding "Candy Crushers" it gives you a better perspective on how you stand to the rest of the world. I went down very quickly on being "High Scorer" on things, even to the point, that on some levels, I am not even listed.
Which is great, means I need to improve my play.
Trust this helps you out.
Cyas & Welcome To The King Community - Origins7 Dale, 😀
Hi @Ginger_Paul,
If you mean the "Weekly Contest" on (CCSS) Soda. It is against other Soda players. Might have some of your Facebook Friends in it that play Soda, might not. Much has been intermingled lately, especially since Facebook did a major update on their site.
If you mean on (CCS) Saga. That is a combination of things. It has "Facebook", King Players, Candy Crush Facebook Groups, & of course those who play Saga, which would even include "Employees / Kingsters".
I had to rebuild my "Facebook Friends List" back up. Lost everyone but 1 friend. So went there, added everyone back, but, I also added everyone with either a "Candy Crush Logo or Avatar". On Saga, went from 30 Lives to over 1000 very quickly. We are limited on the Soda side, to 5 Lives in your "Inbox" on "Soda Squad Teams", once team reaches the 3rd Chest lose them, have to start over, if you want or need lives.
The other thing it does, by adding "Candy Crushers" it gives you a better perspective on how you stand to the rest of the world. I went down very quickly on being "High Scorer" on things, even to the point, that on some levels, I am not even listed.
Which is great, means I need to improve my play.
Trust this helps you out.
Cyas & Welcome To The King Community - Origins7 Dale, 😀
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My “Weekly Contest” used to be against my friends and family from Facebook. This week I don’t know any of these people. I like being able to see my friends and family and where we rank against each other. I really do like to get to play with other people from the community around the world on other challenges but it’s fun to see and play with people I know in eal life too. Is really like just one challenge/contest with people I know.