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This is regarding Bubblegum Hill Bonus game

seagto Posts: 6

Level 2

After being away from this game for a while, I recently returned to it. I noticed that the Bubblegum hill bonus is still around but now there is a limited amount of time i can play it. How does this bonus game work now with the limitation on playing time? Anxiously waiting to hear from you.



Best Answers

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0


    Answer βœ“

    I wonder the same thing. I was able to take the throne about 3 times and then it won’t let play anymore. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5

    Level 2

    edited December 2020 Answer βœ“

    Hey there, so now BGH works with the energy/lightening as you must have seen. 10 energy is used for 1 time. You cannot pass a certain level; pay 10 energy again and begin from level 1 again. It takes 2 hrs for 10 energy to be refilled.

    Hope that clarifies any questions you may have.

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551
    Answer βœ“

    Hi @seagto @ipete @Marriam1 @Pitty_Kitty @Yosca, thx for tag,

    I'll try to answer what I know so far, & take a educated guess on the limitations on playing. Keeping in mind that for most of us, we haven't had (BGH) Bubblegum hill in a long time, until recently.

    • *Back on 12/18/2020! *Chocolate (BGH) "Bubblegum hill" with 2d 19h!
    • *10 Energy To Play!
    • *2 Long Hours For 10 Energy Recharge! *Never had to wait on this yet, info from other players!
    • *Also got *New Message Box (MTF) Mr. Toffee's Fair on 12/17/2020!

    I got the "Regular (BGH) Bubblegum hill" on the 17th, for 2d 23h, but 8h later, it changed to the "Chocolate (BGH) Bubblegum hill".

    • *Back on Thurs. 12/17/2020 For 8h 8m! *Then disappeared, after I closed / reopened game, trying to get my 3rd Chest Reward from Soda Squad Teams, which I still haven't got!
    • *Got it after logging out of "Facebook", then logging in, along with (BGH) "Bubblegum hill"!
    • *This is the "Regular (BGH) Bubblegum hill"! *10 Energy to play!

    Some of these dates & times, might not make sense. They have it coming & going, clearly doing all kinds of tests on it. So one thing that comes to mind, since it is so limited on how long the player will have it, might have put a 3x limit win on it. Since both @ipete & @Pitty_Kitty mentioned 3 wins each. At least on this batch of tests, & with a select group of "Devices / Players".

    Since I haven't run out of energy yet, not sure if there is a way to either "Buy" it, or faster way to get it. Other than the Frosty Festival, which has energy in it, as a reward. Might be if not available yet to "Buy", King might sell "Energy" for those who are out, or don't want to wait 2h, in the future. You have the same option on "Lives" in the game now. It is a "Marketing" ploy, to create or raise demand, thereby generating "Revenue". Nothing new about this, the more you limit things that people want, the more they want it, so price goes up.

    Well, those are just a few thoughts on this.

    But, the main reason that (BGH) Bubblegum hill started to break down, & not working right, many months ago, is because of @ipete. That's right, he was getting the Bubblegum Troll drunk. I saw them in that Seattle Tavern, he had 2 large funnels in his mouth, pouring 5th of Tequila in him. The Troll would give him 100's of Gold Bars, to go partying. (hehe)

    Take Care - Origins7 Dale, πŸ˜€



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0


    Answer βœ“

    I wonder the same thing. I was able to take the throne about 3 times and then it won’t let play anymore. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5

    Level 2

    edited December 2020 Answer βœ“

    Hey there, so now BGH works with the energy/lightening as you must have seen. 10 energy is used for 1 time. You cannot pass a certain level; pay 10 energy again and begin from level 1 again. It takes 2 hrs for 10 energy to be refilled.

    Hope that clarifies any questions you may have.

  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008

    That happened to me too. I got to the throne 3 times I think, then I lost the throne, had still energy but levels could not be played anymore. So I restarted my device and after a while I could play levels again. πŸ€”

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    This is new to me. I don’t have BGH anymore 😒 but the last time I had it, this energy took about 1 hour to be filled again. And it only took the lightning when I started the first level, unless I lost one and had to start over, but then that is still the first level 😜. I wonder do you have this kind of energy too @Origins7_Dale ?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Yes @Yosca you have to start over paying 10 energy again. Think that u misunderstood what i wrote.

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Yeah I did understand @Marriam1 I was talking about myself, how I experienced it 🀣. It’s new for me to get the energy full, it takes 2 hours...😳 Longgg time

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5

    Level 2

    edited December 2020

    Well we get to pay 10 times before the 100 energy is consumed as well 😊

    Apart from them some players have the new frosty festival event through which they can get the energy as a reward.

    I'm still looking at the positives 🀣🀣

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551
    Answer βœ“

    Hi @seagto @ipete @Marriam1 @Pitty_Kitty @Yosca, thx for tag,

    I'll try to answer what I know so far, & take a educated guess on the limitations on playing. Keeping in mind that for most of us, we haven't had (BGH) Bubblegum hill in a long time, until recently.

    • *Back on 12/18/2020! *Chocolate (BGH) "Bubblegum hill" with 2d 19h!
    • *10 Energy To Play!
    • *2 Long Hours For 10 Energy Recharge! *Never had to wait on this yet, info from other players!
    • *Also got *New Message Box (MTF) Mr. Toffee's Fair on 12/17/2020!

    I got the "Regular (BGH) Bubblegum hill" on the 17th, for 2d 23h, but 8h later, it changed to the "Chocolate (BGH) Bubblegum hill".

    • *Back on Thurs. 12/17/2020 For 8h 8m! *Then disappeared, after I closed / reopened game, trying to get my 3rd Chest Reward from Soda Squad Teams, which I still haven't got!
    • *Got it after logging out of "Facebook", then logging in, along with (BGH) "Bubblegum hill"!
    • *This is the "Regular (BGH) Bubblegum hill"! *10 Energy to play!

    Some of these dates & times, might not make sense. They have it coming & going, clearly doing all kinds of tests on it. So one thing that comes to mind, since it is so limited on how long the player will have it, might have put a 3x limit win on it. Since both @ipete & @Pitty_Kitty mentioned 3 wins each. At least on this batch of tests, & with a select group of "Devices / Players".

    Since I haven't run out of energy yet, not sure if there is a way to either "Buy" it, or faster way to get it. Other than the Frosty Festival, which has energy in it, as a reward. Might be if not available yet to "Buy", King might sell "Energy" for those who are out, or don't want to wait 2h, in the future. You have the same option on "Lives" in the game now. It is a "Marketing" ploy, to create or raise demand, thereby generating "Revenue". Nothing new about this, the more you limit things that people want, the more they want it, so price goes up.

    Well, those are just a few thoughts on this.

    But, the main reason that (BGH) Bubblegum hill started to break down, & not working right, many months ago, is because of @ipete. That's right, he was getting the Bubblegum Troll drunk. I saw them in that Seattle Tavern, he had 2 large funnels in his mouth, pouring 5th of Tequila in him. The Troll would give him 100's of Gold Bars, to go partying. (hehe)

    Take Care - Origins7 Dale, πŸ˜€


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