I do not have the team logo. How do I get it
Here you can find all information about the F5
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Hi @Antja,
For the "Newbies" you should read *Page 1 First, on every forum, thread, discussion, contest, etc... It is the key to posting. Tells you what it is about, along with what to do.
Also, to "Join A Soda Squad Team", that requires a "Team App" in your Soda Game / Device. It will say "Teams" on the icon. If you do not have it, you can sign up on a waiting list to get it, see links below.
Here are some links for you. Since you do not have the "Soda Squad Team App", then can sign up for it at Link 2 below. You will need your "User ID" to sign up, it gives you the instructions at the thread, on how to get it.
1st Link - Deals with All things about "Soda Squad Teams"!
2nd Link - Sign Up For "Soda Squad Team App"!
3rd Link - "How To Join A Soda Squad Team"
- Teams — King Community
- https://community.king.com/en/candy-crush-soda-saga/categories/teams
- Sign up to our waiting list if you would like to have Soda Teams in your game! — King Community
- https://community.king.com/en/candy-crush-soda-saga/discussion/278444/sign-up-to-our-waiting-list-if-you-would-like-to-have-soda-teams-in-your-game/p1
- Find a Team | Find a member for your Team! - Page 34 — King Community
- https://community.king.com/en/candy-crush-soda-saga/discussion/278441/find-a-team-find-a-member-for-your-team/p34
- *Go to Page 34, you will find my posts on "How To Join A Team".
Trust this will help you out,
Thx & Welcome To The King Community - Origins7 Dale, 😀