⚡️ Weekend Soda Challenge!🥤[CLOSED]
Hi @Yosca @Nix66 @Pitty_Kitty thx on tag & contest,
Here is my *1st Entry.
- Level 302 - Weekend Soda Challenge Tier 2 - Score 60,340 - CCSS - Origins7 Dale
- Level 302 - Weekend Soda Challenge Tier 2 - Score 120,700 - CCSS - Origins7 Dale
- Level 302 High Score - 120,700
- Level 302 Low Score - 60,340
- Difference Is - 60,360!
- Tier 1 - Soda Champion Badge
@Boybinary - *Score 90,200 / *Page 216!
- Tier 2 - Super Champion Badge
@siti_payung - *Score 94,680 / *Page 216!
@Origins7_Dale - *Score 60,360 / *Page 216!
- Helpful when you post, to let our *Hostess @Yosca know which *Tier you are in. Saves time for her. Thx.
Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀
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Hi @siti_payung @Yosca,
Have corrected your *Score above, in my post, to *94,680. Please include *Tier you are in.
Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀
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Hi @siti_payung like @Origins7_Dale said your total score isn’t right. 129,060 - 34,380 = 94,680 😉
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Sorry @Yosca.. My new year resolution will be buy a new accurate calculator
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Haha @KCullen127 I haven't use abacus for quite a long time
Sometimes I try to add and minus using this old brain....to make sure all the nerves connected
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updated score
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Hi @Yosca @Nix66 @Pitty_Kitty thx on tag & contest,
Here is my *2nd Entry!
- Level 302 - Weekend Soda Challenge Tier 2 - Score 28,720 - CCSS - Origins7 Dale / *2nd Post!
- Level 302 - Weekend Soda Challenge Tier 2 - Score 127,200 - CCSS - Origins7 Dale / *2nd Post!
- Level 302 High Score - 127,200
- Level 302 Low Score - 28,720
- Difference Is - 98,480!
- Tier 1 - Soda Champion Badge
@Boybinary - *Score 101,320 / *Page 216! *Corrected!
- Tier 2 - Super Champion Badge
@Origins7_Dale - *Score 98,480 / *Page 216 / *2nd Post!
@siti_payung - *Score 94,680 / *Page 216!
- Include your *Tier in your posts please. Thx.
Cyas Origins7 Dale, 😀
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I updated my score in my original post I dont see the rules on how many times you can try to improve your score or how to determine what tier I am in? please advise.
nice low score !!