⚡️ Weekend Soda Challenge!🥤[CLOSED]
Come on @siti_payung you just need to …….
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@siti_payung - I stopped using the word "compete" to take pressure off my shoulders. I am "participating" in the weekend challenges😁 Try that and you will enjoy the challenges much better.
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That's the coolest correct word to use. I totally agree with you.
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You're right. It does make it seem much more enjoyable and I think I may well participate with no pressure this weekend.
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Wow @betchiegrl29 - what an impressive first entry! So pleased to see you joining in.
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Thanks @CassD , I did join some of the weekly challenges, but did not overpass other’s high scores and lows.. I am also quite new playing this game.. good thing @KCullen127 motivated me to persevere more and luckily i got that score after long playing non stop trials. Hehe
i am likewise pleased and happy ro be part of this welcoming community, thanks! 🤗
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@Yosca , my third entry
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@Yosca , may I have my super champion badge please….many thanks…
I am still waiting for one of my goldbars 30/50 that I won in a contest, I PM @LadyRaffie , still waiting for her reply.
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Hi @yess41san. Great score, but please see the details of this week's contest on.page 214. You should only be posting your highest and lowest scores for Level 302 here.
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Hello @yess41san First of all, English is here the common language, so please use a translator e.g. https://www.translator.eu/
It’s not just play level 302 but post a high and a low score of level 302. On page 214:
Play level 302 and post your high score and your low score. The biggerthe difference between the scores, the better. So high score minus low score = the higher the better score.
Juega al nivel 302 y publica tu puntuación más alta y tu puntuación baja. Cuanto mayor sea la diferencia entre las puntuaciones, mejor. Entonces, puntaje alto menos puntaje bajo = cuanto más alto, mejor puntaje. Utilice solo inglés para poder utilizar un traductor.