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πŸ’Œ Dear Mom πŸ’Œ- Write a letter to her and get a badge!



  • tinytara1970
    tinytara1970 Posts: 247

    Wow @rebelchild - this sounds EXACTLY like something I could have written, LOL!!! That's why I hit the "woah" reaction. I got caught smoking in the gym changing room in 8th grade, almost suspended, but, my Science teacher went and spoke to the principal on my behalf. We'd (my brother & I) throw huge parties every time my parents went away, can't even count how many times the cops came to our house to "shut it down!" I would sneak out so many times, my Mom eventually bought a lock for the door that she could lock from the inside and only she had the key. I remember one night, I was so desperate to get out and meet my BF, I woke her up and demanded the key from her! She finally just gave in and gave it to me 😝 I used to make my younger brother & sister "mud pies" and make them eat it. Or, we'd eat the entire bottle of yummy orange and cherry flavored baby aspirin from the cabinet. Ahhh, the good ole' days before safety locks, helicopter parenting and baby proofing your entire house ... LMAO 😜

  • tinytara1970
    tinytara1970 Posts: 247

    But, what I would really write to her is:

  • lelensp
    lelensp Posts: 52,950

    Dear Mom,

    Theres no safer haven than to be beneath your arms.

  • pamiwami
    pamiwami Posts: 18

    Level 2

    To my beautiful mother in heaven,❀🌈❀

    Thank you so much for showing me how to stay strong in adversity πŸ’ͺ, & not to sweat the petty stuff! ☺

    I love you & miss you terribly!πŸ’•πŸŒ»πŸ’•

  • tinytara1970
    tinytara1970 Posts: 247


    And, as Dennis Miller said "Not to pet the sweaty stuff!" LOL πŸ˜‰

  • gr33n3y3z
    gr33n3y3z Posts: 9,493

    Dear Mom,

    I miss you so much that sometimes it hurts when I think about you, and I always end up crying.But I know your at peace and you wouldn't want me to beat myself up and you would want me to keep pushing forward in life.

    You have another grandson now, boy is he awsome I wish you were around to meet him he's full of energy and damn dose he say the funniest things. My big guy is doing so well in school, he started up baseball! I wish you could see the way he hammers the bat, he's made the all-stars team two years in a row. There's a lot of potential in that kid.

    Dad's doing great he misses you too, I see a piece of him is missing since that day you passed so suddenly. But the grandkids keeps him young at heart.

    I think of you everyday, I'm grateful for everything you have taught me. Thank you for being my mother and best friend. One day we will meet again, until then I'll always remember the good memories we had.

    I love you momβ™₯️

  • lelensp
    lelensp Posts: 52,950

    Dear Mom

    Your love is as sweet as the flowers

  • Anahita_2005
    Anahita_2005 Posts: 19,037
    edited May 2021

    Thanks for tag @Yosca and for creating this beautiful discussion! πŸ€— This for the first time that I became a little emotional after reading everyone's heart touching messages.

    Dear Mummy,

    You knocked the door of heaven when I was only seven. I sometimes cry within whenever I think about you but it is comforting at the same time. God called you very soon. Maybe he has different destiny for me and is testing me.

    I could not even thank you for the short time I had with you. But still I'm blessed for the short time we had.

    I'm not very good by my words but I want to tell you that you are always in my thoughts, always remembered & loved by me.

    Your one and only strong daughter, ❀️


  • lelensp
    lelensp Posts: 52,950

    Dear Mom

    Thank you for being a life changer

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