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Candy Crush Soda Saga Summer Fun Community Contest - FINISHED!



  • santo_chris97
    santo_chris97 Posts: 1,494

    Here is my answer:

    1 - Missing pink topping in the most top left cloud

    2 - Missing chocolate drop in the chocolate mountain

    3 - Missing spot in the soda sea (look at the most bottom left)

    4 - Missing red topping in the cloud above Kimmy's head

    5 - Missing Kimmy's Bowtie or Bowtie color has changed

    6 - Missing edge in the cloud near the Soda game board

    7 - Missing yellow splash in the Soda game board

    8 - Missing red soda bottle in the Soda game board

    9 - Missing soda bubble in the Soda game board near yellow candy and orange soda fish candy (look at the bottom right)

    10 - Smaller green candy in the Soda game board near Kimmy's boat


  • I found:

    1. Special difference - Kimmy's bow tie is missing.

    2. The pink pebble in the cloud above the chocolate mountain is missing.

    3. A chocolate drip is missing on the chocolate mountain.

    4. The tiny last bubble behind the canoe is missing.

    5. The brown pebble on the second cloud behind Kimmy is missing.

    6. The third cloud behind the gameboard is not complete.

    7. The second splash on the red candy is missing.

    8. The red bottle on the right hand side of the board is missing.

    9. The yellow candy at the bottom of the gameboard is missing a bubble on it.

  • Lemurtek
    Lemurtek Posts: 2,079

    This just in from the department of "Now he tells me..."

    @bearwithme posted "List at least 8 of the 10 differences to have a chance at being one of the lucky 5 players selected to win 20 GB in your Candy Crush Soda Game."

    I somehow didn't read that! AaaaaaahhhhhhhhAhhhhhAAAhhhhhhaaaaaaAhhhh! 😱😪😝

    Oh well, I'm pretty sure I would have tried all ten no matter what, whether right or wrong I had to try... That's just the way I roll! 😁😋😎🙄

  • Chaneccia
    Chaneccia Posts: 5

    1. Chocolate Sryup Colour has changed from chocolate to white chocolate. 

    2. One candy topping has missing on the cloud. 

    3. Small cloud has missing on upper middle. 

    4. One yellow spot has missing on red candy. 

    5. Red candy bottle has missing on bottom right of board. 

    6. One pink bubble has missing on yellow candy. 

    7. One spot of soda sea has missing. 

    8. Yellow Candy does not shining. 

    9. The boat white line has longer. 

    10. Kimmy Bow Colour has changed from red to white. (Special Difference)


  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Left cloud missing points, Kimmy's ribbon, yellow drop missing pink, red bottle missing, chocolate next to Kimmy's head missing, cloud over Kimmy's head missing a point, red candy missing a yellow splash, head narrower, cloud above the board missing the tip

  • johamilton
    johamilton Posts: 27,577
    edited July 2021

    Hi @bearwithme , thanks for the tricky contest. Here are my answers

    1. Kimi bow different color

    2. Cloud in the center the point is different

    3. The red candy below the cloud is missing a yellow streak

    4. The cloud over tifi's head is missing a brown spot

    5. Red something on right side is missing under the green candy

    6. Yellow candy on right bottom does not have purple dot

    7. On the left side of Tifi's hat the chocolate drip in missing

    8. On the bottom left corner of the boat there is a dot missing

    9. On the right bottom side of boat the green dot is missing

    10. Top right cloud has a tan dot missing next to the brown dot.

  • 10 differences

    1. Brown eye behind boy

    2. Red bow tie

    3. Yellow drop on red bean

    4. Purple drop on yellow drop

    5. Chocolate drop on hill

    6. Mouth on crocks cloud

    7. Green square by boat

    8. Red juice by white beam

    9. Green square by white beam

    10. Wave on side of boat

  • imabearnut
    imabearnut Posts: 968

    1). Chocolate syrup drip is missing

    2). Bow tie is a different color

    3). Pink dot missing in cloud on top left corner

    4). Brown dot missing from cloud above girl’s head

    5). Cloud at top middle is different shape

    6). Yellow splash on red candy is missing

    7). Less of green candy is showing at the front of the boat

    8). Missing red candy bottom right side

    9). Missing spot in water at the back of boat in bottom left corner

    10)Girl’s head is smaller

  • 1) Kimmy's bow tie color.

    2) Cloud at the top is missing a bit from the left.

    3) Pink dot is missing from cloud on the left.

    4) Purple dot is missing from cloud in the middle.

    5) The chocolate syrup drip behind Kimmy is missing.

    6) Red soda is missing in bottom right corner.

    7) A soda bubble is missing on top of a yellow candy in the bottom right corner.

    8) One of the reflective lines on the boat is longer.

  • Chaneccia
    Chaneccia Posts: 5

    1. Chocolate Sryup Colour has changed from chocolate to white chocolate. 

    2. One candy topping has missing on the cloud. 

    3. Small cloud has missing on upper middle. 

    4. One yellow spot has missing on red candy. 

    5. Red candy bottle has missing on bottom right of board. 

    6. One pink bubble has missing on yellow candy. 

    7. One spot of soda sea has missing. 

    8. Yellow Candy does not shining. 

    9. The boat white line has longer. 

    10. Kimmy Bow Colour has changed from red to white. (Special Difference)


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