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Congratulations @Origins7_Dale on the Sparkler of the Month. You're a great community member. Since I joined the community and got to know you, my respect and appreciation has been for you.
Arghh, I just saw that I missed congratulating @CassD last time. You, too, are a valuable member of the community, always friendly, helpful and endowed with so many good qualities.ย
Both of you deserve it and your interviews are great too. Thank you very much!
I will be putting my *URLs on the *Tutorials I did on both *Soda & *Saga in my *Signature / Spoiler in the future, when time permits. Have a doctor appt., I need to get ready for now. But look for them in the future, if you like. Hopefully, it will help you out, in these games.
Thx to all the players on your Congrats on this recognition for *Sparkler of the Month - September 2021. Special thanks to our *CM @LadyRaffie & @Yosca, along with the rest of the *Soda Staff, @Nix66 @Pitty_Kitty.
Cyas Group - Origins7 Dale, ๐