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🥤Meet the Player- Yosca



  • swabby
    swabby Posts: 80

    Level 3

    @Yosca  Congrats, it is fitting that a Soda player should be 1st. Like you I look forward to Friday for the new levels, were you as disappointed as I was 2 Fri's ago when there were no new levels? My fav boosters are the fish, striped and color bombs cause they are ez to make but I truly love the cherished and rare lollipop hammer.

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Thanks @swabby Do you mean you love the Supersonic Lolly? Yeah that’s a cool booster and I save them for the ultra hard levels 😎

    You must be playing on a PC/laptop, since that Friday Win10 players received 15 levels. But everything should be fine now and you should receive the normal number of levels again. 🤗

    Enjoy the game!

  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008
    edited November 2021

    Joining the party late but

    Congratulations on being 1st in-game featured player


    Very well deserved since you've always been a very active and helpful member in Soda Community, and you're still now 🙌

    Question 🎤

    Which Season did you like the most in Soda?

  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Hmmmm tough question but I do remember something I loved and enjoyed doing. I think it was around Valentine's Day last year and I think it was sort of a precursor to the current Season events 🤔

    We had to make so many color bombs and so many wrapped candies etc in a certain amount of time. Every time you completed an assignment within the time, you got a reward (booster or unlimited lives) and at the end, if you completed everything within that time you received gold bars (50 pieces?) Oh man I was so happy about that! 🥳

  • batman27
    batman27 Posts: 111

    I want to play

  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,781

    @Yosca congratulations! 🎊❤🎉

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?