My purchase failed

Level 1
How can I get my purchase.
Hello @FeliciaandPunkin and welcome!
1) Do you mean your pruchase failed and money/gold bars were taken?
In that case you may ask Player Support for a refund:
Contact Player Support from mobile devices: open soda app - visit settings- click "?" Icon- visit "purchases and golds bars"- "why haven't I received my purchase"- scroll down and click "contact us". Explain your problem and send.
If you don't play on mobile app then contact Support from here and if possible, make sure to also add your game ID so Support can locate your account. Here's how to find your game ID
Alternatively read here for more infos.
2) Do you mean your purchase fails but money/gold bars aren't taken? In that case do you see a connection error in your Soda app? Could you take a screenshot? It's be helpful
How to take a screenshot:
Then click this icon to upload:
Thank you!