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Please help. 2 accounts? Lost progress.

marykelley Posts: 2 Newbie

I have two accounts with same email and pw....different username. set up an account under community today thinking I needed to do this for transition. can't get back to my progress with username MK.


  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008 Soda Moderator

    Hello @marykelley and welcome to Soda community!

    Community account is not related to the game, it helps you interact with this forum 🙂

    Was your progress saved with Facebook account before? and did you follow the guide displayed on Soda app about how to move to a King account with the same email address of your Facebook account? Is this what you mean?

    Did Soda app display a error message when you transferred your Facebook account to a King account? What happened exactly that led to losing levels?

    What device do you play on? (make and model)

    Thank you

  • marykelley
    marykelley Posts: 2 Newbie

    Thank you for info. Good to know community is different. Currently playing on MacBook Air. Now when I log into play on king it pulls up my username from community and starts me at level one for both candy crush and soda. My game username is MK and has months of progress. I cant figure out how to long in under old username..It just asks for email and pw (which happens to be same for community). It did not do this prior to setting up community account.

  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008 Soda Moderator


    I think we might need to take a step back here.😅 I assumed you played on Soda app from how you described the problem but this seems a different case

    Does it mean you play on site through a browser (chrome, mozilla etc)?

    As you might have read on site (but you can read the official announcement here too), the games will no longer playable after March 31. Maybe the issue you're having is related to this.

    After that date the option left is to download the game app to keep playing. Here are the platforms you can download the game from: Apple: App store, Android: Google Play, Windows, Amazon

    But you should be able to use the same old credentials, log in to your King account on app and find your progress without problems.

    Does it mean you are having problems with retrieving your progress after you moved to the game app that you downloaded on your device?

    Thank you

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?