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stupidass Posts: 1 Newbie

My game keeps crashing. It happens exactly when I win the level and should be moving on to the next level. It is ALWAYS when I win on a hard or super hard level that I’ve used my power ups and/or gold bars in order to win the level. I’ve spent quite a bit of my hard earned money to play and now I’m so frustrated because I feel I’m being robbed by King. I’m also not very encouraged that I’ll even get a reply or a response because of what the other players who have had problems have said in the comments on King Community. I’m hoping that is not the case and you’ll do the right thing and contact me as soon as possible.


  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008 Soda Moderator

    Hello @stupidass and welcome!

    Community (this forum) can't handle refunds, I'm sorry. Purchases issues contain sensitive infos of the players.

    Only Player Support can send you replacements of purchased items because of glitches in the game.

    Contact Player Support from mobile devices: open soda app - visit settings- click "?" Icon- visit "purchases and golds bars"- "why haven't I received my purchase"- scroll down and click "contact us". Explain your problem and send.

    If you don't play Soda on mobile device then contact Support from here. It might be helpful to add your game user ID in the form so your gaming account can be easily located by support. How to find your user ID: here

    Please read here for more infos on how to ask for a refund.


    As for the crashing problem, please check out this guide. Let me know if the problem still persists

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