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Scorpian68 Posts: 4

Level 1

I have been playing Candy crush for a long time and the game messed up, could not play could not down load. now I have finally downloaded everything and I am back at the beginning. It says I am not online. I do not get any rewards or see the other players. Then all of a sudden I see the players all is good and now I am back off line. I was up to level 3009. how do i get back online?


  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Hello and welcome to the Community @Scorpian68

    I am sorry to hear you couldn’t play the game. So I understand, sometimes you can play online and see other events/features. Let’s see if we can get you back on track.

    First of all you might consider doing the troubleshooting: provided you saved your progress with a King account, log out of the game - clear the cache -> not data  that will delete your boosters - power off your device for at least 1 minute - restart your device - check for game and device updates- log back into the game. Also make sure you have at least 2GB free memory storage to run the game smoothly and try to connect to a WiFi connection instead of using cellular data.

    If that doesn’t work please give us some more info:

    • Do you use a King or Facebook account?
    • Do you play on Win10/Winn11 app?
    • Did you check for updates for the browser you use when you play on Facebook ?
    • You can try another (updated) browser (e.g. Chrome, Edge)
    • Clear the cache (not data)
    • What kind of make and model has your device you are playing on?

    You can find more info 👉 here how to get your progress back.

    Hope this helps.

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