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📔 Dear Diary... Daily Check-in discussion



  • Lisal6715
    Lisal6715 Posts: 4,070
    edited July 2022

    Must be some kind of mental telepathy between you and me @CassD . I was just looking for your message. Sorry I didn’t reach out during the day. I was trying fix my tablet because I lost the event again and other things quit working. I found something that can be used for all the people who want to connect with one another I was reading more and watching a video on it. Look in players corner in the community hub.

  • CassD
    CassD Posts: 18,516
    edited July 2022

    Hi @lalopez6715. There must be, ss I had just typed this!

    Follow this link and scroll down a little and you'll see "New Discussions". Click on this and you can start your thread. You'll see someone tried earlier to start one about PMs, but unsuccessfully.

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,400
    edited July 2022

    Which country are you in? (if you don't mind sharing)I haven't heard of that before!

    7.5 hours is a LONG time! 😬

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,400

    Dear Diary,

    Woke up this morning, put the coffee pot on, settled down with my tablet and heard the thud of the toddler grandson coming upstairs.

    Quick scurry around to make sure nothing was in reach of his fast grabbing hands and bang the door burst open and he was there cute grin and all. Onto the bed to raid grandads biscuit tin but he's at that age where mischief is more fun and grandad wasn't playing animal crossing so escape he went. Like a bull in the china shop. Anything that could be fallen over was fallen over. Anything he could slip on was slipped on. Anything he shouldn't touch...yep you guessed it.

    30 minutes later he was back downstairs and we were trying to pick up the shreds of our sanity.

    I walked into the living room. His face fell and he started crying. Nanny isn't grandad you see and grandad is his second favourite. But he stopped after his mum left the room and decided I was doing something he really needed to watch. He does like me honest!

    So I got an orange ice lolly thing out cos its hot and he likes to share.

    I can't share the image as per house rules but imagine a toddler on his front screaming and wailing as though I had just told him I had shredded the last of the kitchen roll.

    He stood up and came back for more and everytime I offered it, he went back to crying. The lolly is one of those in a cardboard cone like an ice pop. It turns out after much more crying and wailing, he just wanted the melted juice at the bottom. Peace was restored! He happily went off and found more destruction he could do before grandad came in and played with his cars. (with bug too of course)

  • Lisal6715
    Lisal6715 Posts: 4,070
    edited July 2022

    Dear Diary I didn’t write anything yesterday, every time I was about I got sidetracked and ended up doing something else. I wasn’t as stressed out or frustrated as I was the day before because the event I was trying to do got cancelled. That’s a bit disappointing because I used my gold bars and boosters to complete levels to meet the required task. Oh well time to move it’s the start of another day, haven’t played any games yet, as I’ve been having fun doing things on the community site like playing the counting games or the having fun with the last letter. Yesterday I found a way to get in touch with other people from the community. I also got a great suprise from @EOTheGr8. We had been discussing and designing a signature that I will be able to use once I get to level 4. Here is what I got

    I absolutely love how they turned out.

    Giessnits time to logon and start playing some games since my teammates keep messaging about what is going on in them and I just got a message from Stella in BBW3 saying she has summoned all my lives back for me. Hope I can win the level with a new blocker which is Frogsty. I’ve been trying since yesterday i hope I don’t get to frustrated today from playing games. well that does it for now,

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,400

    @lalopez6715 they look great!

  • Lisal6715
    Lisal6715 Posts: 4,070
    edited July 2022


    @Venom_ see my disscussion

    *Edited by CM: Quote of banned account removed

  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,781

    I see my comment has been edited. I did not mention any illegal drugs. I mentioned prescribed medications. For medical conditions that I face that I discussed with my friends in pm. We used to give each support in our pm. The point I was making concerned the loss of our private messages and how the dear diary page can't replace it. And a diary is traditionally a place where you write your private and personal thoughts. I didn't realize that our diary entries would be be scrutinized and deemed inadequate. Will my comments get edited for the use of drugs if I mention taking Tylenol for a headache? @FluffyDinosaur these editings and comments made make me feel too intimidated to participate in this thread. It appears to me that my entries here are not appreciated and my thoughts and concerns are meaningless here.

  • Lisal6715
    Lisal6715 Posts: 4,070
    edited July 2022

    Dear Diary

    I had a pretty good weekend, made some new friends who are helping do something that I have been trying to do on my own. They also encouraged try a couple of new games out. So I spent some time playing the suggested games. I had a lot of fun playing Crash on the Run Pet Rescue. when I made Crash crash an angel would come up or the facial expressions on the characters faces would make me laugh. well I’ll check back in later. My teammates are moving at lightening speed this morning so I guess I better get moving to try and catch up to them, I hope today goes good and that there won’t be a lot problems with my games today.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?