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(SOLVED) Game is stuck on the loading screen



  • Hi everyone, we are still investigating this issue and will let you know as soon as we have any updates!

  • Courtney1990
    Courtney1990 Posts: 2,040

    Can you guys give me A time when this get fixed

  • smilingeileen2
    smilingeileen2 Posts: 28

    Level 3

    Any update on fixing the issue at all please? Also, are all players who are having this problem using Samsung Galaxy phones?

  • norton66
    norton66 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    When will loading issues be fixed

  • caroline6
    caroline6 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I have been having the same issue since yesterday. I have been stuck on loading screen. So frustrating it means I've lost my daily rewards

  • mandypatterson63
    mandypatterson63 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I'm having the same problem. Annoyed that I'll loose my daily log in 😠

  • Courtney1990
    Courtney1990 Posts: 2,040

    Hello have you fixed the game yet

  • smilingeileen2
    smilingeileen2 Posts: 28

    Level 3

    I've been unable to play the game since Saturday when this issue first started for me. I know nothing could have been done over the weekend but you've been investigating this since Monday, it's now Thursday evening and still nothing. No update since yesterday where you were still investigating. It's very frustrating not knowing how or when this issue will be fixed. It seems to be happening to more players too. Could we have some kind of progress update please?

    Thank you.

  • Teresa_Greenwood
    Teresa_Greenwood Posts: 8

    Level 2

    I have reinstalled the app and will probably now have lost my progress. Unfortunately, I can't remember the actual level I got to.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?