Watch the Clock ⏰

This Addresses Timed Boosters//Boosts. It's unnerving to lose a Boost 😤 because Real Life Responsibilities, Obligations got in the way, eh? Well, set it up so if We leave the Game the Boost Timer STOPS, and doesn't Restart until We're Back in that Game!! I'm sure there's a way the Developers could Capitalize on this. A good friend of mine who use to be a Game Codemaster said in their Break Room was a Board that said: "Happy Players, ARE Paying Players" Words to run a Game by??
Hello @Idaho_Biker and welcome to Soda community!
This idea has already been suggested🙂
Here are the main ideas about this topic:
- Timed Boosters, Lives, Batula's wonderball. Pause and save your free play for later. Vote the idea HERE
- Boosters, Purchases. Add ability to pause timer in purchased timed boosters. Vote the idea HERE
Feel free to support or expand these ideas. The more votes and attention the main ideas get, the better chances they have to be considered 🙂
List of open ideas can be found here
Master List of Soda 💡Ideas💡 (read before posting)!
If you'd like to start a discussion about this topic in general, feel free to do so in discussions section here
since this is a duplicate idea, it'll be closed for now. Thanks for understanding 😊