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Why have I not received level up rewards?

hevva Posts: 12

Level 2

My team has just levelled up to 20 but I didn't receive any rewards.

Neither did I receive any rewards when I moved up from Level 3 to Level 4 on the gold bar Soda Supreme. In fact I had 100 bars in the kitty and when I used them it took ages before it registered on the Soda Supreme.

Is this an issue at the moment?



  • Yosca
    Yosca Posts: 17,879

    Hello @hevva welcome to Soda Community

    I’m sorry you didn’t receive your rewards. Let’s see if troubleshooting can help:

    provided you saved your progress with a King account, log out of the game - clear the cache -> not data  that will delete your boosters - power off your device for at least 1 minute - restart your device - check for game and device updates - log back into the game. Also make sure you have at least 2GB free memory storage to run the game smoothly and try to connect to a WiFi connection instead of using cellular data.

    Clear cache in Android: go to settings - tap on apps - tap on candy crush soda - tap on storage - tap on clear cache (not data❗️)

    Clear cache in iOS: go to settings - tap on Safari - tap on Clear history and website data

    If you still haven't received your rewards, please contact Player Support. They are able to check your game.

    To contact Player Support Team click HERE. Select topic “events or features issues”. Select subtopic “I didn’t receive my reward” Describe briefly your complaint, and don’t forget to mention your Game ID, how to find: HERE

    Hope this helps.

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